Chapter 18 - Ends

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"Do you know why you're here today?"

Minho and Changbin shook their heads, though they very much knew why. They talked on their way home from the protest, and agreed that they would accept whatever fate came from the article.

"There was an article about a protest, and you two were there."

Minho looked up at his boss with a hint of defiance. "Correct."

"You, Minho, out of all of us, would be the person I least expected this from." He drew out his words like they were in a business meeting, his cadence authoritative as ever. "Changbin, I could almost see, even barely, but you?"

"We just want equal opportunities for help." Changbin spoke up, getting a disappointed glance from his boss.

"But according to this article, you don't need it." He shifted his full attention back to Minho. "But you do? The strongest, most determined person in this company."

He towered over Minho, invading his personal space, which only Changbin, Felix and Jisung were allowed to enter. Minho was not intimidated. He has been in plenty of high pressure situations before, or he wouldn't be able to keep this job and be as successful as he was.

"The article said a lot about you, and also brought this company into potential scandal if this becomes a major story. Which, it will, because Hwang Hyunjin is in it too! Have you seen the tabloids? It spread like wildfire."

"I spoke my truth, and so did my friends."

"And male partner?" He mocked. "What happened to you being straight and finding an heir to the Lee fortune?"

Minho stared him straight in the eyes, eyebrows raised mischievously. "There's always adoption."

"That's enough." The voice bellowed. "I need you both to step down voluntarily, or publicly recant your statements. If you want to stay employed here, you can't cause a ruckus like this."

"No, I won't." Both men looked at Changbin in shock. "I quit."

"Me too."

Minho grabbed Changbin's hand and walked past their boss, walking out the door and towards the elevator. He looked in his office one last time as they walked past it. Changbin turned towards his desk, and saw some of their coworkers looking and whispering. He gave Minho's hand a squeeze, heart breaking from losing the career he loved just for standing up for his friends. The elevator opened, and as soon as the doors closed, Minho collapsed into his best friend's arms.

"Bin, I just lost everything." Neither of them pressed the button to the lobby, giving them a short chance to process what just happened.

"You have me and Felix and Jisung." He ran his one hand up and down Minho's back, and the other cradled his head on his shoulder.

"Why is this so hard?"

"I'm here for you." Changbin rarely cried, but he had to stop himself, knowing it would make Minho feel worse.

"Binnie, I love him, why doesn't he want me?"

Changbin wasn't surprised his friend's thoughts wandered to Jisung. "He does love you."

"Why won't he be mine?"

"You should ask him, but you need to calm down first."

The elevator started moving on its own, and Changbin shifted Minho towards the buttons so he could reach the letter L and press it. He pressed a soft kiss to Minho's temple. He loved Minho as his best friend, and didn't lie to Mr. River when he said he was saddened by the recent internal struggles his friend showed so openly. Changbin moved away from Minho as the elevator slowed, but Minho clung to his hand. He was afraid to let go.

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