Chapter 34 - Mireu

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(This dude is pretty gross, so be wary. You don't have to read this chapter if you don't want. It's basically just to say his motivations have nothing to do with politics, and he has connections in high places to be able to get away with this. We're back to investigative work next chapter.)

"Great performance boys! I'm sure your friends will love it!" I gave Felix one last kiss for good measure. "Such a good kitten for daddy."

"Get off me!" Felix was trying to be intimidating, but he was too cute for it to work on me.

"You're sick." I fixed Felix back up and walked in front of Binnie, ready to respond to his accusation.

"No, I just find you irresistible." I hovered close enough to him to let him know I was there, resisting the urge to drag my teeth against his bottom lip. "You will be mine."

I've been to enough therapy to know I'm supposed to suppress these urges, but quite frankly, I don't want to. Especially when I have just a fine specimen such as Changbin in front of me. I nuzzled into his neck, tracing my lips over the bites I left a few hours ago.

"You smell divine, but I have to go for now."

"Fuck you." He flinched as I blew a light breath across where I just kissed.


I left a kiss on his cheek and covered him back up before I did anything more. So irresistible. Minho made a huge mistake letting him go for that scrawny and weak and clearly inferior substitute. I left them to thank the man who made this possible.

"Well done!"

"That was fun! Thank you!"

"Any time! Maybe we can get the others for you."

I love a man who feeds my habits. "That would be amazing!"

I decided to walk to the other room and give my dad a call. I was curious to hear everyone's reactions from the hearing. I was already bored not having the two fine young men in front of me. Perhaps they thought they were kidnapped for some greater good.

Nope, I just wanted to get off.

That's not what I told my dad, though. I agreed to his plan of trying to hurt the Lee reputation. To make some attempt to prove that the articles were bullshit. But that doesn't mean I can't get something out of it too.

"Hey, what was the reaction like?" I asked him.

"Annoying." Dad responded. "I'm glad you guys could come so quickly and get that disgrace of a Superior."

"We couldn't get to Minho, but we took his best friend."

"What?" He roared through the speaker. "What good is he?"

I shrugged, even though I knew dad couldn't see me. "Leverage?"

"What good is leverage when I can have the real thing? Fix it!"

He abruptly hung up. Disappointing. Dad and I are alike in that we both have short tempers when we don't get what we want. I've heard that about Minho too. So I'm hoping that this character flaw will apply to this situation. We'll see what happens when he finds us, because it's not an if.

I'm not sure what I want all of this to come to, exactly. Maybe they did have a point about letting the scum and the Superiors mix. I just don't see how that really helps anything...

No matter, I have my prey, and I'm going to get all the pleasure I can out of them while they're here. It's a shame I won't get to fuck them. I'm crazy, but constant and active resistance makes it no fun, even if they were tied up. I walked back towards the room, not being able to resist another taste.

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