Chapter 42 - Into The Fire

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"I have to do this alone. I'll be back."

I closed the door behind me before they could convince me otherwise. It's not like this is saving the world, but saving my friends from some creepy sex-crazed kidnapper sounds like a decent second place.

I walked back towards the apartment building. The building that I figured out through deductive reasoning and great detective work. The building that has three of my friends inside it captive to a man with a distorted view of people.

[Kim, Seungmin (Average, 22, BD: 22/09)]

[Access: Granted (No restrictions)]

Incredible every time.

I hurried to the elevator and hoped to whoever's out there that there wasn't a specific key card to use it. I walked through the doors and mashed the 8 button like my life depended on it.

This seemed too easy.

Rush out, look at the sign, turn right to 811, and knock on the door.

I had to risk revealing myself. "Chan, it's Seungmin! Open up!"

I heard footsteps rushing across the floor, unlock, and a door flew open, behind it a familiar face.

"Thank God." Chan grabbed my hand to pull me in and locked the door behind me. "Let's get them out of here."

We rushed towards the room and flung the door open. Changbin and Felix both looked towards us, hoods over their heads like I saw in the video so many times.

"We're getting you out."

Chan left to get something to cut the ropes. I pulled the hoods off, removing the blindfolds and coverings. They both squinted from the light. I tried to see if there was any way to loosen the ropes by myself.

"Thanks Minnie." Felix said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"No problem." I responded.

Changbin grinned at me. "I've never been so happy to be friends with a nerd in my life."

"Don't mention it."

"Knives. Better than nothing."

Chan held up kitchen knives. Most were pretty useless, but one was serrated, but very small. I grabbed that one first and started sawing at their hands. Chan took another and tried to remove the ropes at their feet.

It took some time, but we succeeded.

They tried to stand up but immediately stumbled. Chan held up Changbin, and I Felix.

Chan looked at me with determination. "Get them out of here."

"What about you?" Felix screamed.

"If I leave, he's going to know you're gone and that I let you escape."

"But Chan!" Changbin grabbed his arm tightly while looking him dead in the eyes. "You know what he might do to you."

"I know."

"What he did to me!"

"I said I know. Get out before he comes back!" Chan yelled and walked Changbin towards the door. He looked back at me. "What are you waiting for?"

I never heard or saw Chan get mad, but I didn't want to cross him in this state. "Elevator?"

He shook his head. "Risky. I think they should walk down the stairs."

"I don't think we have a choice." Felix said.

"It's slower but safer." Changbin agreed.

"Well, let's not figure it out here." I said, my anxiety rising. "Do you have a message for Innie? He's worried sick about you."

"Tell him I love him." Chan looked away. "And that I'll be back soon. Just go."

"Lock the door behind us." I said, giving all my strength left to finishing this mission.

The three of us walked out the door, and I heard the lock and receding footsteps.

We were free, but not as four.

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