chapter 1- before we leave

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Luna harpers p.o.v.

Before they left to alpha kanes pack!

I'm laying in bed blinking back the tears. My son and daughter are being sent to alpha kanes pack to train. However that's not my problem. My problem is that I will be left here with alpha drake. If this was over 10 years ago I would have been delighted to stay with my mate but it's not 10 years ago.

Alpha drake abuses me all the time. He hurts me physically and mentally. He cheats on me all the time and I feel the pain all the time. I know I'm slowly dying as I can feel my wolf slowly slipping away. She is getting weaker and weaker but I don't tell anyone. What am I suppose to say? I cant satisfy my man enough so he has to go to other women which is slowly killing my wolf.?

Believe it or not but myself and alpha drake where happy once. We use to laugh all the time. Cuddle all the time. Have a day for just us two. He would take me on dates a lot. It was magical until it wasn't.

Slowly the dates stopped. Then the spending time together stopped and the cuddling stopped. Finally the laughs stopped.

I sighed soflty and was about to get up when I winced in pain from getting kicked in the leg by alpha drake. Before you ask yes I call him alpha drake because if I don't I will get a bad beating. Also because he is not the drake I knew and loved. He is now a monster.

I got beaten this morning because I cried about him being with another women last night. He wasnt happy I cried about it and called me a bitch. He slapped me across the face so i said does that mean i can sleep with other men which earned me a beating.

I dont know why I said it. For one i would never do it and for two i should have known he would beat me for it. Maybe apart of me wanted to see him jealous. I'm not really sure why I did it but I sure as hell regret it.

I sighed but finally got out of bed. Just as I stood up I could feel someone tapping into my mindlink.

"Get down here into my office now" alpha drake growled out.

"Yes alpha drake" I replied back.

He cut the mindlink off and I started heading downstairs after I quickly put a bit of makeup.

I walked into his office and straight away he sneered at me.

"What took you so lomg" he asked.

"I - I was just getting ready" I said putting my head down.

I heard a growl from the side of me making me jump. I looked up and seen my son growl at my dad in warning.

"Your coming with us mom" my son said sternly but more towards alpha drake then anything.

I was confused at first until I realised he was talking about going to alpha kanes pack.

"Really?" I asked softly trying to contain my excitement and relief.

"Yes. Go pack your bag mom we leave in an hour" damien said softly.

I nodded my head and bowed to alpha drake. I walked out the room and started packing my bag. Just as I finished my bedroom door slammed open making me flinch. My heart started pounding out my chest as soon as I smelt him.

"Touch any lads and I will kill them and you! Am I understood"  alpha drake gritted out

I nodded my head.

"Yes alpha drake" I said softly.

He nodded his head and smirked. He was about to walk over to me when lucy came into the room. She smiled at me and said.

"You ready mom" she asked soflty.

I nodded my head soflty and headed towards her. I felt sparks on my arm where I was gripped. I spun around to see alpha drake grabbing me and was close to my face.

"Remember what I said" he gritted out.

I nodded my head and walked off. My heart was pounding out my chest in fear of him coming back for me when I forgot to say yes alpha because I was to scared and frozen to say anything.

I quickly got to damien who smiled soflty at me. Damien knows a lot more then lucy does as i dont want her worrying all the time. Lucy knows he cheats on me but not that he abuses me. Damien suspects he hits me but I always deny it but i know damien knows I'm lying.

We walked to the car but just before I got there alpha drake grabbed my arm spinning me around. His hold was so tight tears came to my eyes. He slammed his lips on mine.

"Be careful doll" he said loudly.

At first I thought he was being serious till I heard some people saying awww. That is when I realised It was a show.

I nodded and fake smiled at him.
"I will" I said soflty wanting to go already.

He nodded so I turned around and quickly got into the car.

I looked out the car just as we started driving and seen beta max glaring at alpha drake. I was confused but just ignored it.

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