chapter 23- making up

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Max p.o.v.

I woke up the next morning for the bed being empty. I growled and shit up out of bed to find harper.

I walked into the kitchen to find her at the stove cooking. She turned around sensing me in the room. She stared at my body clearly checking me out making me smirk. I am stood with no t-shirt on and just in my boxers. I chuckled amused that she Is staring at me but regretted in when she snapped out her tance.

She looked at me but instantly looked away. I could see her blushing though making me smirk. I started walking towards her but as soon as she felt me coming more towards her she moved away quickly causing me to growl our off frustration.

She turned around fast and glared at me.

"Don't you growl at me!" She gritted her teeth.

I had to stop myself from growling again. I sighed rubbing my hand up and down my face to ease the tension in my body.

"I'm sorry baby" I said softly.

She glared at me more.

"For what? Growling at me or damien? For growling and snarling at keaton? For almost getting into a fight with damien? Or is it for nearly fighting infront of our baby grandson? Which fucking one" she shouted at me.

I winced from her shouting at me as she never ever raises her voice at me.

"For it all" I gritted out.

She scoffed at me before turning around to carry on cooking. I sighed softly.

"Have you seriously not calmed down yet" I gritted out.

She scoffed again.

"Oh, alright so you think that if I calm down or you calm down it makes it all okay? You scared the shit out of keaton and not to mention someone you said you look at as a son you nearly had a fight with him ! Tell me max does me or you calming down make it all ok for what you did?" She shouted tears running down her eyes.

Guilt is all I could feel. I closed my eyes feeling a headache coming.

"No it doesn't. I said I'm sorry what more do you want me to say. I will make it up to you" I said.

She laughed. However it wasnt a good laugh it was a laugh with no humour in it at all making me flinch. I have never ever known her to be so cold to anyone so it hurts more that it's me she is being cold to.

"You think this is about making it up to me? Well your wrong. You have to make this up to keaton and damien to. Damien might be an alpha but what you did would have hurt his feelings. He looked at you like his father!" She whispered towards the end. I could hear and feel the pain in her words.

I whimpered and went to stand up to walk towards her with tears in my eyes. She stepped back making me whimper out loud. She closed her eyes and looked back at me.

"Don't talk to me until you have sorted it with them." She said sternly.

"You think I was the only one to hurt you all ! I know what I did was wrong harper but you fucking hurt me to !" I roared getting angry and frustrated with her now. I tried keeping my cool but her not even letting me touch her is bringing me over the edge.

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