chapter 18- we will take it!

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Max p.o.v.

I just finished my breakfast Harper made me as I woke up. That women is amazing and an amazing cook.

I put my plate in the dishwasher and walked up to harper kissing her lips.

"Thank you Harley, that was amazing " I said softly.

She smiled up at me.

"Your more then welcome." She said.

"Are you ready to go? We have half an hour to get there and it takes 20 minutes" I asked.

"I have been ready since 8 this morning" she giggled.

I chuckled and told her let's go. We said goodbye to everyone and got straight into the car. I'm looking forward to our next chapter in life.

We have been talking about anything and everything while driving down to view the house. We mainly talked about our baby and the house.

We pulled up to the house and its beautiful. There is even a beautiful drive where we could park the car and there is space for a few more cars. Maybe about 3 more cars. What we also did not see on the pictures is there Is also a garage.

We looked at eachother and smiled. We headed out the car towards the guy who will be showing us around. I could smell he was human so I knew we had to be careful.

"Hello my name is sam and I will be showing you around today. " sam introduced himself.

"Hello I am harper and this is my partner max" harper said shaking his hand.

I shook his hand as well and then he took us inside. The house Is more beautiful then it looks like on pictures. Its bigger to but not to big.

After showing us around we headed outside. Myself and Harper looked at eachother and smiled. I could tell she fell in love with the place.

"We will take it" I said.

The guy did not even seem suprised and smiled softly at us.

We went through the details and signed the contract that he already had as if he knew we would say we will take it on the spot. We signed it and he handed us our keys. He said his goodbyes and harper squealed.

"We did it. Its ours" she said with tears in her eyes.
"We did and indeed it is ours" I said softly kissing her lips.

"I can not wait to tell the rest and to start shopping for our furniture " she said.

I chuckled and we headed back to the car to go to the pack house and tell the rest.

As we pulled up outside the pack house and parked harper grabbed my face and kissed my lips. I responded back just as eager.

"What was that for?" I asked a little suprised.

"Why not?" She asks and walked out the car leaving me breathless.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head. That women is full off surprises.

We walked into the pack house where everyone was in the living room watching a movie. Noone apart from damien even noticed us come in. Damien smiled softly at us and I cleared my throat to get everyone else's attention.

Everyone's head snapped to us and they all smiled.

"Hey, where have you guys been?" Lucy asked us.

"To view a house" I said casually.

"Oh okay" Lucy said.

All off a sudden her eyes widened when she realised what I said.

"Wait what?" Licy said.

Harper smiled siftly st us.

"We found a house that we really liked and it's perfect. We have the keys" harper said happily.

"So-so you are moving out?" Lucy asked.

My eyes softened as I know she is use to having her mom around.

"Yes sweetheart we are moving out but you can come visit us whenever you want. It's only 20 minutes away from here driving. You can even come stay whenever you want besides we will be over here a lot anyways." I said softly to Lucy. I know she worried about her mom going.

"Really?" She asked happily.

"Of course sweeite" harper said.

They got up and hugged eachother. What suprised me though was Lucy coming towards me with her arms spread apart for a hug. My eyes softened and I pulled her into me and squeezed her but not to tight. She sniffled in my chest making me rub her back.

"Shh it's okay." I said softly.

"I'm happy she is with you. She seems so much more happy. I wish you could have been my father." She said and then walked off into Jack's arms.

My eyes widened in surprise at what she said. Everyone was looking at me and then at Lucy as they also heard what she said. Harper had tears pouring out of her eyes looking at lucy. I searched our bond to see what the tears where. I could sense joy but also fear which confused me.

I walked up to harper and pulled her to me.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"I just I didn't expect it from lucy" she stuttered out.

I nodded knowing what she means. When Lucy was younger she was always a daddies girl (alpha drake) and so for her to say this it was suprising.

"Lucy di-did you mean what you said?" Harper asked.

"I do. Ever since our dad changed max was always there to help out. Ever since I was 8/9 and damien was 10 max was always more like a father to us. At first I despised him for it. I wanted our dad to be like that not max but then I realised dad would never change and I started looking at max as a father figure instead. Dad might be our biological dad but he was no father. Max might not be our biological dad but he was and is more of a father then our actual dad was. " lucy said shyly.

Tears came to my eyes but I pushed them away. I walked up to lucy and pulled her to my chest and kissed the top of her head. Harper and damien came and joined in our hug.

"Lucy is right you know. Max you really are like a father to us. Everything lucy said is right and I completely agree with her" damien said.

I smiled softly at them.

"I have always and will always look at you both like my children. Even though myself and harper are having a baby now that doesn't mean I will look at you any less of my children" I said softly.

They smiled and even damien had tears in his eyes which was surprising. 

However what surprised me the most and made me really cry was damien and lucy next words....

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