Chapter 14: Questions

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The shower was refreshing. No. More than that, really—it was divine. Though we were on the run, it didn't feel like it. After every misfortune that had occurred, it was incredible to be able to stand under a hot stream of water and feel as if all my troubles were draining away. My muscles were tense, and the heat helped me relax. I never thought I'd be so ecstatic to see hotel shampoo and soap. The whole process felt so necessary for me—so critical. Even though I had to put my dirty clothes back on, it was still wonderful to have clean skin.

Andrew, on the other hand, found the whole experience more entertaining than rejuvenating. After I explained the concept of the shower, he played with it for a good thirty minutes before the novelty wore off and he actually showered. When I checked on him, the curtain was pulled and the bathroom was soaked in water. He hummed brightly. I bit my lip to stifle my giggle. It was hard to believe, in that moment, that he was an ascended being.

When he finally came out with his clothes sticking to his skin, he looked like he had just climbed out of a swimming pool. All I could do was laugh.

It was nearly one in the morning when we were finally dressed and presentable, but the hotel's restaurant stayed open until two, so we were safe.

D'oliva Lounge was mainly a bar, but there were tables and booths away from the loud music and the gyrating of the highly intoxicated patrons. We enjoyed watching them in our sober states from afar. When a waitress came to our table, I ordered a hamburger, fries, and a soda for each of us. It wasn't as though this place had fancy food, especially at this hour of the evening.


He had been watching the men playing their guitars on stage, but when I spoke over the music, his head snapped my direction as if I was much more appealing than everything else. "Yes?" He bent forward.

"Tell me what it was like before."

His expression softened. "Let's see," he began, his leg touching mine just slightly. "My brothers and I protected and guarded mankind, and the Ladies of Light protected the two thousand angels in the world."

This was news to me.

"We gave assignments, along with the Ladies of Light, to protect humans. That's how we claimed the title of angel. We were always saving the day in flamboyant ways, something we quit doing as the world aged."

I felt a great wave of remorse for him, losing his life for so many years, unable to see the world grow old.

"My rankings were high, and I trained Guardians for new tasks. As the talk of angels died down, we had to become more covert."

"What about family? Were you in love or married?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

He shook his head. "I have my brothers and my friends. My parents died when we were mortals." He frowned, deep in thought. "I tried courting a few angels, but there were none that I could live with forever. There was one human who I loved deeply, but she died during the plague. After that loss, I never tried to love again. It was..." his jaw tightened "...difficult."

We were silent for a few seconds. "I've never really found someone to love, so I wouldn't know how that feels."

He placed his warm hand over mine. "I hope to change that."

I was surprised he had even heard me over the music, and even more baffled by his response. Trying to alleviate his penetrating gaze, I asked, "Where do angels live when they aren't out saving the day?"

His smile grew. "We live all over the place. The last place I remember was Italy—back home. But before that it was Africa and China. I stayed in Greece for quite some time. It's easy to go from one place to the next, so angels don't always have to live together. Being around each other for thousands of years can become irritating after a while." He chuckled at a thought he must've had. "We suggest to Guardians and other angels that they mingle with humans to have human experiences and enjoy life as much as possible, which most do, immensely so. Those who don't change and become cold and cruel."

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