Chapter 16: Underground

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During the ride, I was losing my mind. Andrew was in another truck, and I knew the small stocky man was with him. Of course, Andrew could escape if he wished, but he would do this for me and for those angels trapped in their prisons. The windows to the large SUV were tinted so black I couldn't tell if it was night or day or where we were going. Not that I'd ever want to find this place again.

"He'll be fine," Joseph said, pulling my attention from the window I'd been staring at for nearly two hours. I couldn't see anything, but I wasn't really looking. "I swear it."

"And the others?"

He nodded slowly. "We called in Director Halistor. He refused to help until we found you and brought you safely to the lab. Even my superior requested you to do all lab work. You're the best in your field."

I exhaled. "What happened to Sally?"

He chuckled. "Director Halistor sent her home." His smile grew, and amusement lit his features. "She accidently set off two alarms in one day. Her nosiness has no bounds."

I smiled back. "You have no idea."

"Why did you ask her to come along in the first place?"

"I needed a friendly face to accompany me. I'm sorry she was a pain. Normally, she's my pain, and I can just send her away on an errand when she becomes overbearing. As I see you did. Sort of."

"I learn quickly."

I wondered exactly how much Karen had informed him about the angels. Surely she didn't keep him completely in the dark. It would be nice to have one person aware, even if his information was limited. I didn't want to be alone in this anymore.

The vehicle took a turn, and I slid in my seat. The driver acted as though he wasn't paying attention, but his eyes flicked to the rearview mirror more than once. Joseph made this same observation to me in a low voice, and we both laughed. It was as if the huge stress bubble had finally grown too thin and burst.

We came to a stop, and the driver rolled his window down to speak with men standing guard outside. From what I could see, they were heavily armed. They made several security checks before admitting us. I made sure to remember everything I could about this facility to help with our escape. Because we would escape. There was no way I would allow the angels to be treated like lab rats: used, abused, and discarded like trash.

Once we were on the other side—behind enemy lines—the vehicle holding Andrew turned right. We turned left, and I protested immediately.

"I have to stay with the subject," I said.

In response, the driver pressed a button, and a sliding glass window rose between us. That asshole! Didn't he know how important Andrew was to me? If I could've, I would've shaken some sense into the man. "You take me to him right now!" I banged on the dark glass.

Joseph gently, yet firmly, grabbed my arms and brought me back against the seat. Electricity zapped him. He jumped back.

"Calm," he said through gritted teeth, shaking his hand. "We must act normal. If they suspect you see them as more than subjects in an experiment, they'll toss you out of here so quickly your head will spin."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Of course. You're right." My instincts disagreed. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."

He put two fingers to his lips to suppress a smile, though I could easily see through it. "Don't worry. Karen will be waiting for him." He shook his wrist again. "And wow, you seriously have some juice there. Be careful with that."

"I don't know how to control it yet. I mean, I hope I can learn to manage it."

The vehicle stopped, and the doors unlocked. Joseph reached over me and opened the door. "After you."

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