Chapter 23: Fatality

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It was as if we tumbled into a painting. Rolling hills spread out around us. Towering trees in the distance were a rich, golden red, the sun low in the sky, the moon glowing faintly in the twilight. Far off, there were gigantic snowcapped mountains with clouds hugging their tips.

"Where are we?" I asked. The small amount of strength I had was fading, the pain in my side steadily worsening.

"Italy," Andrew murmured and placed me on the soft grass. It was moist and cold, but it could have just been from blood loss.

"Italy?" I said dreamily, still in a fog-like daze. The sun dipped in the sky, and I shivered. My muscles knotted painfully. One by one, the angels appeared around me. First Abelie, who was at my side in an instant, and then the others. Ehno was last, Joseph's arm around his shoulder. Now that I knew everyone was okay, I wanted to sleep. Exhaustion began to overtake me as I started to tumble through a cold blackness.

"Gabriella?" Abelie said.

I blinked. I hadn't realized I closed my eyes.

"I'm going to help you, but I need you to do me a favor."

I barely nodded my head.

"Hold still."

"Okay." Like that was going to be a problem; I could barely lift my head.

"Andrew?" Abelie looked up, and Andrew's silhouette came into view. "Do you mind?"

"Anything." He sounded desperate, pleading. My heart warmed. I believed he really would do anything for me.

Andrew held out his hand, and Abelie grabbed it. She placed her other hand over my wound, her palm warm against my chilled skin. Maybe I'd lost more blood than I realized. She closed her eyes and bowed her head. Andrew jerked but didn't let go of Abelie's hand. I had no idea what was going on. Her face lit with a golden glow emitting from her palm. I hadn't grasped how cold I'd become until warmth spread through me like a wildfire. It felt amazing.

"Take it slow," Aiden cautioned and placed a hand on Abelie's shoulder. "We can't heal you if something happens."

As I lay there, I had to see for myself what she was doing. Each second my strength returned. I sat up on my elbows. The torturous ache was almost completely gone. The deep wound at my side was healing. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. Abelie sucked in shallower breaths, panting, and then she collapsed backward.

"Are you okay?" I got to my knees to check on my mother. My mother... My mind went all loopy at the thought.

"Yes, baby. I'm more than fine." She smiled up at me, breathless. She reached up, and her fingertips trailed along my cheek. "You're more beautiful up close than you are from a distance."

"What did you do to me?" I barely whispered, more to myself than her. I realized I was being rude, but I wanted to know.

Ehno and Lucia came to Abelie's side and helped her up. "You were going to die." The word sounded sour on her tongue. "The wound was a magical one. Poison. It would've eventually killed you. I did the only thing I could: I healed you."

Maybe I didn't hear her right. "You healed me?"

A gusty wind whipped my hair up and around my face. Abelie caught a few pieces and put them behind my ear. "Yes. Not many know about my ability. My whole existence I've feared someone would use it against me. I'm a healer and always have been. But I was surprised I was able to heal that wound." She placed her palm over the torn spot in my clothes and looked into my eyes. She paused for a moment, and a pained look flittered across her face. "It would only take minutes for the magic to flood through your veins. We were lucky I was able to do as much as I did. I was so afraid I hadn't gotten to you in time. It's impossible to completely heal that wound, but I did my best."

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