Chapter 28: Be At Peace

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It was about being mentally prepared. Before, there were roughly thirty Shadows. Within the twenty-four-hour timeframe we'd been inside the Divine Library, who knew what kind of crowd had accumulated. The Ladies of Light could be standing on the doorstep or possibly the Soul Stalker. I shuddered. My master plan of leaving the library suddenly felt stupid and idiotic, but I was hungry, and Abelie deserved to be laid to rest.

The others stood behind me as I gazed at the wall where the door used to be. No one pressured me. Andrew was at my back, the key outstretched on his palm. I took a deep breath before I reached over and grasped it. We needed to leave. I had to keep telling myself we were doing the right thing. For an hour, I gave myself pep talks.

In my other hand was the Timeless book, which I handed to Andrew as I placed my palm against the smooth, stone door. I took another necessary deep breath and whispered, "Unseal."

Sparks lit around the edges, outlining the door. Like a moron, I placed my ear against the crack and listened. It was like putting my ear to a seashell. The air weaved in and out of the space.

"Do you hear anything?" Ehno chuckled from behind.

I turned around to cast him a glare, which made him laugh harder. "No," I said icily, but couldn't help to smile in return. "All rock and no roll," I deadpanned.

Joseph got a good laugh, though Andrew raised his eyebrows to hair level.

"Not my best attempt at humor." I shrugged and turned to insert the keys. A puff of dust rose from the cracks as the door scraped across the stone floor. A violent wind whipped across my face. I expected to see the Shadows light the distance with their fire. There were none—no Ladies or shadowy figures on the horizon. But it was dark, and my vision was not as great in the inky blackness.

"I don't see anyone," I whispered.

His eyes narrowed as he scanned the view. "Me either." He turned around. "Ehno, have you seen the outcome of this evening?"

Ehno shook his head. "No, but I think we'll be safe."

Andrew handed me the keys and the Timeless book. I held onto them like they were life vests. To me, the keys represented safety, a sanctuary in the Divine Library. The Timeless book possibly held more clues. There was no way I would let those items out of sight.

As each second passed, the power grew, twisted, and changed inside me. It was indescribable and strong. I had to be prepared, and that was why I gathered the electricity at my core. Behind me were the angels I'd grown to care for. But more important than any of this was the fact Abelie needed to be buried. It was time to lay her to rest, as Andrew said, and no matter how much it would kill me to place her six feet under, I knew I had to. She had lived a long life—a happy one with Aiden at her side. Jealousy flitted through me again at the thought. They had all been able to know her, and I never will. Not truly.

Wind whipped through the small doorway, and the silk dress-like robe I wore clung to my body. It was the only black robe Abelie had in her closet, and wearing it made me feel closer to her. My hair flew up in the air, but I was too busy gazing down at the quiet scene below to care about the frosty October chill whipping against my skin.

"Come on, Ella," Andrew said and took my hand in his. He led me down the stone steps. When we reached the section of stairs I'd destroyed, he let go of my hand, jumped, and looked up to where I waited. It was about fifteen feet, but that seemed too high to me: the one who was absolutely terrified of falling. The rocks below mocked me as I stared down.

"Jump," Andrew called.

I stared at him. Was he joking? "Andrew, I—"

"She's scared of falling from heights," Joseph chimed in from behind. I nodded in absolute agreement.

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