Chapter 21: Liberation

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Mid-stride, frozen in the funniest positions, the deer-in-headlights, glazed-eyed look just wasn't accurate enough in describing how we all appeared when the electricity flared back to life.

"Bathroom!" I shoved Andrew as hard as I could through the door feet away. In doing this, they all fumbled through the tiny entrance into a one-stall bathroom. I turned the lock and slammed my back against the door.

"Good thinking." Joseph nodded. "There are no cameras in here."

Sheesh, I hoped not, though nothing would surprise me at this point.

Lucia, looking at the toilet with mild apprehension, raised one eyebrow. "What's a camera?"

I'd totally forgotten she didn't know these things. Because of Andrew and Ehno's psychic link, I just assumed Andrew shared the information he had learned with Ehno, but I hadn't considered that Lucia would still be in the dark about this modern world. Fortunately, she was in control of her emotions and showed no signs of distress. She had more guts than me.

Joseph opened his mouth to answer her.

"No time," I interrupted. "If they haven't realized we're gone already, it won't be long until they do. We need to get out of here quickly and quietly." They all stared at me for the answer, and, for once, it just came to me. "Joseph, you need to leave. If anyone asks what happened, you don't know. Go above ground and find us a car. Wait for us outside the building we entered. I have a feeling people won't ask you questions, considering your clearance."

He nodded, though his skin was a bit pale.

"Go," I ordered, practically forcing him out the door.

"Okay, here's the plan," I said while I bolted the door again. "We're going to walk out of this bathroom like it's no big deal. You three don't say a word to anyone. If someone asks what's going on, I'll tell them I'm taking you for testing. Hell." I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously. "I don't really know what I'll tell them. Maybe I'll tell them it's none of their business, or maybe I'll just shock them. We need to keep attention off us."

"And what about the cameras?" Andrew asked.

"Keep your wrists together behind your backs at all times. They'll think I've captured you, maybe, and will hopefully never know the difference. Once we're on the surface, I need you to fly, Andrew. Just take off into the sky."

"Not without you," he said.

"There's no time for arguments. We have seconds before guards show up and start shooting us. We need you in the sky to let Ehno know if anyone is behind or in front of us once we get off this property. Plus, Ehno and Lucia will be with me." The words were rushed. I had to stop to take a breath. "I'm not even sure how we're going to get out of here. Please, Andrew, I need your help."

He closed his eyes as if praying for patience. Then he looked at me, defeated. "Let's go."

"Okay." I turned around and unbolted the lock. "Let me look first." Opening the door slowly, I had a moment of déjà vu. This was sort of how I felt when I was opening the bathroom door to my office right before the Shadow attacked me. I peeked out of the crack to see two armed men walking down the hall. I shut the door and put my back up against it again. "Crap, crap, crap," I whispered. I took a deep breath and slid the door open a little bit farther.

"Dr. Moretti?" A deep voice said.

"Oh, hi." I slipped out of the bathroom, trying my best to keep the door shut as much as possible as I closed it behind me. I put my back to it. "I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"I'm Agent Kowski." The agent was tall with a full head of gray hair. "We're just down here checking on all the labs. You good?"

"Oh yeah—yeah. I'm fine," I said nervously, hoping he couldn't hear the unease in my voice as it rose.

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