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Saiki awoke with a start, something new had entered the atmosphere. A new lifeform. He threw his curtains open in suprise, eyeing the green comet descending towards earth.

"Good Grief, it's 7 am in the morning. Oh well, this is the life of a physic." Kusuo grumbled to himself, using his teleportation to get closer to the floating green streak.

It wasn't a space rock at all, it was a girl. She bore handcuffs, her hair was shiny and long: the color pink. Her eyes were green and her skin was tannish orange. She wore purple miniskirt, boots, and sleeveless croptop. With silver armor curled just above the cloth and an emerald-like gem resting between where her collarbones would be.

Kusuo was suprised to say the least, well that was a first. Or maybe a second since he met Nendou.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

He attempted to read her mind, but her thoughts were in a foreign language that not even he could understand. The pinkette watched the girl ram into a light pole, viciously trying to remove the cuffs that binded her. He wanted to be as cautious as possible, but if she continued destroying things he'd have to remove the cuffs to calm her. When she attempted to body slam an un-used road.

"Ugh, this is such a drag. I was going to get more coffee jelly this morning since it's a saturday and I ran out but I guess that's scratched." The boy thought, holding the practically flaming girl's wrists.

He noticed her face getting closer to his as he unpinned the handcuffs, he couldn't read her mind at all and it truly frightened him. Would this be where he died? Who would keeo earth safe without him-

His mind was cut off when soft lips met his, and then he could read her thoughts. They were in japanese for the most part.

"Stay away," She said sternly, her eyes searing into his soul, "I'll kill them all."

She ascended, hands burning with a green heat as she tossed disks of raw power at ships flying in the sky. They exploded, the residue a flame up in the night until there were no more ships except one. This one was larger than the other's, she couldn't take it alone. Her fingers interlaced with themselves, thumb pads pressing against each other as she let out a roar, a concentrated beam destroying the ships hull for the most part. Saiki groaned, levitating himself upwards and grabbing what was left of the space-craft to throw it out of the solar system.

The unfamiliar girl was beside him in seconds, staring at him with awe; "Many thanks, human."

"I'll ask again, who are you and what are you doing here?" Kusuo was kind, that much was evident as he didn't pry into her brain.

"Why do your lips not move even though I hear you speaking? What is your name, and why are you here?" The girl batted her lashes expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"I'm a pyschic, I have telepathic abilites and a bunch of other powers you shouldn't worry about. My name is Kusuo Saiki, you can only call me Saiki. This is my home, I live here. Now, answer my questions or I'll boot you off this planet," He said defensively. All in all, Kusuo didn't have time for this. He really couldn't be bothered but he didn't know this girl's intentions.

"I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, but you can only call me Y/n. I was a slave under the Gordanians but I am here now, I've decided to live here on this planet with you, Mr. Pyschic. Take me to your home," The girl demanded with her hands on her hips.

"Nope." With that Kusuo was back in the comfort of his house, yet guilt poked at his heart the entire day. His eyes caught sight of the pinkette sitting on top of his school building, kicking her legs out in boredom as she stars at the storm clouds in the sky. He grumbles and makes his way up to the fugitive.

"Wait here until everyone leaves for the day. I'll take you home then," Kusuo explains, disappearing through a door shortly after.

The Tamaranean Princess smiles as he leaves, happy she had a place to stay.

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