18: Murder

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Raven's legs were propped up against Y/n's, she typed away on her screen as a Harry Potter movie played in the background. It was probably the Goblet of Fire. The dark haired teen had lost count of how many times she'd watched in the last 3 weeks.

Y/n was absolutely batshit for Cedric. She sobbed everytime he was on the screen like it was her religion. (Let's be honest, who doesn't love our sweet HufflePuff baby Cedric? Get out. This isn't the place for you if you have the audacity to comment Cedric slander.)
His death was such a sensitive topic for her that she treated it like her own parents had died if someone brought up the fact he was killed off.

She almost wringed Mark's neck because he called her dramatic when they watched the movie for the first time together in the Saiki living room.

The door swung open as Hermonie and the one Durmstrang guy -Raven could never remember his name- walked into the ball setting together.

"Ayo, Y/n. I gotta take a massive shit right now and I do not wanna blow up the down stairs toilet again. Cy called me out last tjne and that was so embarrassing, I'll burn candles when I'm done and spray lysol! Just let me go #2-" Mark was bouncing up and down in the door frame.

Y/n waved him on, stuffing her face with popcorn.

"Thanks Y/n, you're Jesus."

"Yes, she knows. Now if you're going to fucking shit, hurry the hell up. We're watching a movie." Raven smacked her gum, flipping Beastie off as he rolled his eyes and slammed the door.

"Ow shit!"

"You okay?" Y/n called.

"I slammed my nose in the do-"

"SHUT UP CEDRIC SMILED!" Raven shouted and Y/n squealed.


Victor shuffled the chips around on his plate, the Saiki's had bought a bigger dinner table to fit the Titans and Y/n. They were considered apart of the family and Kurumi was tired of having to yell into the living room just to talk to the group of teens she now considered her children.

"Y/n, can you pass me the salt?" The pinkette handed Robin the salt shaker.


"Hey, Kusuo, Y/n. Has anyone ever thought you two were siblings?" Viktor blurted out randomly, Mac and cheese dribbling down his chin.

Mark dabbed it away with a napkin as he spoke, "Yeah. Now that I think about N/n and Kusubro look really similiar."

"It's like natural couple goals, don't couples usually match nowadays?" Raven shoveled little pizza rolls into her mouth.

An ice cube shard shot out of Robin's nose, it went right into Kuniharu's water glass. To which he promptly screamed. Y/n flipped her chair over when she started laughing.

Not noticing Kusuo's burning ears. It was true that he was a kind of all powerful psychic, but sometime his brain lagged and fried like any other human being. This was one of those times. If Kusuo was anyone else, he would've died on the spot. But, luckily he was Kusuo and he had the most disgusted looking glare a man could ever wear.

His gaze of death pierced Victor like he was a cake and Kusuo's eyes were the knife. If looks could kill, he would either be straight ash or a mutilated corpse.

Victor hadn't known about the slight awkwardness between Y/n and Kusuo that had been caused by Blackfire. It was small, miniscule even. But, it was not meaningless. They sat beside each other at dinner and they cleaned the kitchen together like they always did.

They hid things relatively well. Behind closed doors, nothing was the same between then anymore. Y/n was insanely insecure about everything she did around Kusuo, being near him was like walking on egg shells to her. She couldn't help but be plagued with thoughts that she wasn't good enough. That he wasn't as happy with her as he was with her sister.

Kusuo didn't do anything to show her any different. He was his same stoic, calm self. Though he died internally everytime Kaidou dropped some Mac and cheese on the floor, or when Victor smacked his food. He had cleaned the floor that morning and his irritation was beginning to show.

Y/n, who had been watching the Saiki boy the entire time, believed the irritation was directed at her. She shrunk back into her chair as Kurumi avidly spoke about something she was going to do with the neighborhood kids this weekend.

She was going to some amusement park or something, Y/n wasn't paying attention.

"Hey Y/n, is the dish washer dirty?" Kaidou asked, sliding his chair back to the wall.

"Oh yeah it should be," Y/n replied. Her lips twitching as she smiled at him.

Kusuo's aura had completely darkened, the room felt demonic.

"Thanks," Shun ruffled her hair.

That was the breaking point, Kusuo was two seconds away from murdering someone. Shun hadn't washed his hands and he left Mac and Cheese sauce in her hair while trying to look cool.

Y/n didn't notice though and accidentally brushed the crown of her head on Kusuo's perfectly clean and dust free walls.

Kaidou was a dead man.

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