11: Candles

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(Lil' Update cause I got a candle from some store that smells like coffee and it reminded me of Saiki.)

Y/n and Saiki's relationship had changed drastically in the last few weeks. The female pinkette was hardly ever at home anymore, she was always out with her friends and staying at their apartment when he got back from school. His mother was thinking about enrolling her in Titan High so she could spend more time with them. Kurumi was happy about Y/n's newfound social life, she thought watching the girl grow as regularly as possible was the greatest thing that could happen.

Kusuo, on the other hand, hated it. He found he missed her presence, he missed her roudy shouts over food, her nonsensical comments in a language he couldn't understand, her stupid views on fashion, her stealing his clothes and sweets, her forcing him to watch movies with her, and most of all... he missed coming back to his room with Y/n cuddled up in his sheets on the floor in front of his tv. He missed the smell of her hair products, the coffee candles she used to burn while she played games and waited for him to come home from school. He missed the lingering scent of his eaten coffee jelly on her breath as she hugged him too tight, and the shortcake and tea she set out for him everyday when he studied. He missed her. Every little thing about her.

He missed her so much.

Watching her grow and hang out with other guys, who were much more handsome, funnier, kinder, richer, and smarter than he really was without abilities... it hurt. Because he knew, without these powers he was really nothing special. He was just Kusuo Saiki. A boring, average guy, who hated people, girl's and any form of social interaction. Who would pick a guy like that over the talented and hard-working Victor? Who would pick Kusuo over the funny, outgoing, and charming Beast Boy? And Most of all, Robin? Who would pick lack-luster, regular Kusuo over the gorgeous, intelligent, suave and popular, Richard Grayson? A man with spikey black hair and piercing blue eyes, a sweet smile that could soften any girl's heart. That over Saiki's freakish pink hair and violet eyes? No one, not even Y/n would choose him.

He didn't have to read Grayson's thoughts to know he loved Y/n, he could see it in his eyes. How the sparkles in them that were once dull, lit up with a brilliant shine that never dimmed in her presence. His sweet nickname for her and the soft spoken way he talked to her. There was so much more, but just thinking about him made Kusuo want to vomit.


That was all he wanted to think about. The memories, the days spent by her side.

The time she weaved flower crowns for the two of them in a flower field near Saiki's grandparents house, the time they visited that dessert shop and she asked him what donuts where, the time Y/n had been introduced to Harry Potter by his parents and she went on a phase for the next 3 weeks after that, the time Saiki taught her how to play video games and she fell asleep against him, when he taught her how to speak a few english phrases and do algebra and chemistry, when he took her to a book store and told her some of his favorite books, when she discovered Ouran High School Host Club and Toliet Bound Hanako-kun and then forced him to watch with her, how she vowed to marry Kyoya the day she saw him.

Kusuo missed her so much. For the first time in his life -like a child- he ripped his flat sheet and comforter off his bed, wrapped himself up and burned the Coffee candle's wicks with his Pyrokinesis ability. The male spent the entire night on a beanbag and wrapped in sheets, stuffing his face with any sweets he could teleport out of the fridge as he played random games on his PS5.

He was miserable.

(Honestly, baby Saiki. Mood. I had such a shitty ass day today for no reason. I missed so many people, I missed my childhood and the memories from it, the people in it that are dead and gone now. I miss being carefree and not wanting to cry all the time because life sucks so much. I miss being ignorant and blind to how cruel this world is, I miss the part of me that could love freely without being scared. I miss myself, the old me. I wanted to potray the emotions that coffee candle gave me, because it brought up so much.

The smell of coffee boiling as my aunt made coffee in our summer house, rollinfgin the sands with my cousins and sisters, catching jellyfish by the shore as my aunt watched from the porch. The smell of my papa's house in the mornings when he'd drink eight cups of coffee and feed us waffles, when my papa would sneak us chocolate milkshakes when our mom said no sweets, or sitting at the counter and listening to his stories while we ate cream cheese and crackers. Going on drives to our creek house and picking up skii disks, hunting for deer in the forests with my brother and cousins. The days of laughter, the days that held no pain. The smell of coffee brings so much to me, so much I don't have. This chapter made me emotional, I really need to cry now. Have a good day you guys)

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