Chapter 21 - Smartest in the room

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The following day, Tommy calls Cass into his office. "What's up, Tom?" she asks as she takes the seat opposite him. "How are you feeling?" Tommy says softly. "I'm a lot better, thanks. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the races." Cass replies, almost sadly. "It's alright. Polly was right about not taking you." Her brother says before a slightly awkward silence falls over them. Neither of them want to bring up the conversation Cassie practically begged to have with him a few days ago.

"Why am I here, Tom?" Cass says abruptly, not enjoying the atmosphere. "I need your advice." Tommy says whilst pouring them both a drink. "We need to make peace with the Lees. Then we can take Kimber down with a good army." He says. "Ok... so why do you need my advice?" His sister says, accepting the drink. "I don't know how to make peace with them." Tommy admits. Cass takes a couple of moments to think before clearing her throat. "I have an idea, but I doubt John's going to like it." she says. "Go on." Tommy says. "Well, John's been struggling to keep his kids at bay. They need a mother figure, and we both know that Lizzie Stark is not the right choice. Why don't we go and see if there's a Lee girl we can set him up with? Some have been known to be quite wild." She takes a small pause to gage what Tommy is thinking. "If they marry, the Lees will be kin. Meaning..." "Meaning we will forever be tied to the family." Tommy interrupts. "Exactly." Cass says, sipping on her drink.

After a few moments of silence, Tommy rises from his chair and grabs his coat and cap. "Right then, come on. We're going to see the head of the Lee family." He says. Cassie immediately springs into action and leaves to find her coat. "Where are you two going? Are you sure you're well enough to be going out?" Polly asks towards Cass, noticing the rush the two siblings are in. "We will be back before dark." Is all Tommy says in return, allowing his sister to leave the door before he does.


When the two return, it is way past dark and probably after midnight. They quietly walk into their family home and towards the kitchen. "Drink?" Cassie asks her older brother who slumps into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. "Please" Tommy replies before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm glad we could come to an arrangement." His sister starts as she brings him a glass of whiskey, placing her own next to it. "Let's just hope John goes for it now. We probably shouldn't tell him until the day though." She says as she sits opposite Tommy. "Yeah. We will tell the rest of the family tomorrow." He says.

"Tell us what?" a voice rings out by the door. Both siblings jerk up and look towards the voice. "Go on then, tell me now." Their aunt says as she moves more into the room. Casandra looks at Tommy who is already looking in her direction. "Come on, I haven't got all night. And 'back before dark' my arse." Polly scoffs. "Uhm, Tommy why don't you take the floor?" Cass says, feeling slightly anxious about her aunt's reaction, especially since she's been out all afternoon whilst she's still recovering. "But it was your idea." Her brother says with an annoyed expression, making his sister shrug innocently.

Tommy clears his throat and sits straighter in his chair. "We have arranged for John to marry a Lee girl." He says quietly in case someone else in the house is awake and listening. "But you can't tell him, Pol. It will ruin the plan. Please." The youngest in the room adds. "When?" Is all Polly says, trying to hide her annoyance. "Saturday." Tommy replies. There is a thick silence between the group before Polly clears her throat. "Well then, I'll have to dig out my nice dress." She says before leaving the room and going upstairs to bed. Cass and Tommy both let out a sigh of relief.


"Do you really think Ada will come? I mean, it makes it better that Tommy isn't the one who gave her the invitation, but she hates us all right now. Tommy and Freddie tried to kill each other for god's sake." Cass says nervously. "It's family day. There's no fighting on family days." Polly replies calmly, making her youngest niece feel slightly better. "I've missed her." Cass then says, looking sadly at the cup of tea in her hands. "Me too, love." Pol says with a small half smile.

"I bet she's ready to pop." Cass tries to joke, ignoring the sting in her heart at the thought of not being able to watch her sister's belly grow over the past few months. "Probably is. I hope she's been taking care of herself." Polly replies. "She will have. After all, us Shelby girls have had it burned into our brains since we can remember." Cass says with a smirk, making her aunt roll her eyes. Polly had always had 'talks' with them about sexual health and how to look after babies when they have their own. The pair just hope that Ada actually listened.

Only Time Will Tell - A Peaky Blinders StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang