Chapter 27 - Realisation

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"How long are you going to be with her?" Cass asks her brother who is currently getting ready to leave. "No more than three days. I promise. I just need to check on the horse." Tommy replies, shrugging his coat on. "Ok. Stay safe." Cass says before returning to her room.

Tommy watches her go with a sigh. He walks into the kitchen to find Polly sat at the table. "I need you to check on Cass whilst I'm away." He says plainly. "Alright." Polly replies. "Anything else?" She then asks, raising an expectant eyebrow. "No." Tommy says before leaving the house, making his aunt sigh.


"Cass, love, dinner's ready. It's just us, no boys." Polly speaks through her niece's door. "Where is everyone?" Cass asks as she opens the door. "I told them to fuck off for a bit. We need some girl time." Pol replies with a small smile. "Ok." Cass says with a sigh before following her aunt down the stairs.

"So, how are you?" Polly asks sheepishly. "I'm fine." Cass replies bluntly, using her fork to push the food around on her plate. "Something's different about you. It's not the fact that you've been pulling away from us, so what is it?" Polly then says, squinting her eyes towards the younger woman. Cass's eyeline is immediately pulled down. She knows what Polly is thinking, and this is the reason she had been hiding herself away. Polly can always tell with things like this.

"How far along are you?" Polly asks darkly. "Just over 2 months." Cass replies shyly, unsure of her aunt's reaction. "And you're keeping it?" Pol then asks, already knowing the answer. "This might be my only chance to be a mum, Pol. I can't throw that away." Cass admits, tears now building in her eyes. Polly sighs, almost sadly. She knows exactly how Cass feels. "Well, do you know what you're having?" She asks. "A boy. I did the string thing." Cass replies. "Congratulations." Polly says plainly as she continues to eat her meal.

"Please don't tell the others, Pol. Not until business is done. They need clear heads." Cass practically begs. "I won't. But you'll be showing soon." Polly warns, raking her eyes over her niece's figure. "I know, but hopefully everything will be done by then." Cass says. "Hopefully." Polly repeats with a huff.


"So, does Alfie know?" Polly asks gently as her and Cass lay down together. "Yeah." Cass replies sadly. "And he still left you?" Her aunt pushes. "He did. He's not ready to be a father." Cass answers, her deep insecurities seeping out into her brain even though she knows it's a lie. "If he changes his mind in the future, you shouldn't give in to him easily." Polly warns, making Cass sigh. "I know, Pol. I know." Cass says with a sigh.

"Come on, love. You should get some rest." Pol then says, opening her arm for her niece to snuggle into. "Thanks, Pol. I don't know what I'd do without you." Cass says as she closes her eyes. Polly watches as her niece quickly falls to sleep. She knew something like this would happen to her. Cass is too kind for it not to happen. It's always the best people who are left with nothing, and the worst people who come out on top.

~AN~ Sorry this took so long and that is such a short (and terrible) chapter. I wanted Polly to find out about the baby but didn't really have many good ideas on what would happen. Thanks and sorry again.

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