Chapter 29 - Relief

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Dear Cass, my beautiful sweetheart.

I'm sending you this letter to let you know that your plan has worked well so far. I never would have pegged you for a fucking genius. Sabini thinks we're on his side and has taken back the Eden Club. He's become way too cocky for my liking, which means when we take him down it will be worth it.

Arthur wasn't too happy when they arrested him, but I'm sure he will understand the reason soon enough. Billy Kitchen is dead as Tommy ordered, but I didn't do the shooting. I didn't feel right taking a life when you're growing one inside of you.

I miss you so much. Your smile, your hair, your fucking beautiful naked body. Everything. It hurts more to know that I'm missing out on seeing you grow. Hopefully our son won't have grown too much by the time we are reunited. Although, Jewish babies are known to be quite monstrous, so good luck with that one, love.

I've been struggling to sleep since you left, which means you probably have too. When you lay in bed at night and feel alone, just know that you are with me in my dreams. I love you, my Casandra. We will be together again soon.

All my love, Alfie x

P.S. I like the name James for our boy, have a think about it and let me know.

Cass sighs happily as tears rolls down her cheeks. She decided to wait to read the letter until she was on her own since this was the first communication they had since she left London. She's currently sat on the edge of her bed, allowing herself to miss him even more than what she already had been. She just wants to be in his arms, feeling safe. It hurts for her to know that she won't be in that position any time soon.

She re-reads the letter a few times over, wondering how Alfie could make light of such a situation. She can practically hear his chuckle when reading about how big their son might turn out to be. She definitely has her work cut out for her if that's the case.

She lays on her back, holding the letter close to her heart. "James Solomons." She whispers to herself with a small smile. She knew it was still too early for them to be choosing names but couldn't help but get excited at the thought of making their decision. James was a strong name, and she knew that he was going to be a strong boy. Especially if Alfie had any sort of influence on him.

She rolls onto her side, still clutching to the letter. She feels relieved to know that Alfie is still alive, let alone thinking about her. She quickly falls to sleep, now finally relaxed enough to not need anyone with her. Her dreams are filled with Alfie's face and the possible things that might happen between them in the future. It made her heart glow.


The following days were confusing for the rest of Cass's family. She seemed a lot happier and was even starting to talk to them again. Of course, Tommy knew the reason. He didn't have to read the letter to know that it would help Cass to feel better. Alfie was too smitten to make her feel otherwise.

It was strange for him to think about the gangster he was told to fear in this way. He never imagined Alfie Solomons to have a soft side, let alone it be because of his sister. It was nice to see Cass happy again. It had felt like a lifetime since she had smiled properly. He knows that she is still hurting on the inside, but that single letter from Alfie is helping her to control it. He just wishes that he could feel like that again. 

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