Chapter 22 - Michael's birthday

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"Are you sure you want to come to this? I mean, my entire family in one room is enough to make anyone go mad." Cass says as Alfie helps her out of his car. "What else am I meant to do, ey? I ain't gonna start sight-seeing in this fucking place." Alfie retorts. "Birmingham is not that bad." Cass tries to defend with a roll of her eyes. "Sure it's not." Alfie then says with a smirk as he follows her into the Garrison.


"I don't understand why you're both here. Why make an effort after ditching the family?" Polly says spitefully after Cass and Alfie accept a drink off Tommy. "Wow, Pol. It's good to see you, too." Cass says with a huff before downing her drink. "At least Cass came, Pol. I mean, do you see Ada anywhere?" John defends, earning a grateful look from his sister. "Ada has her own problems to deal with." Polly retorts, making Cass roll her eyes once more.

"Ada ran away from us. I'm helping with business. There's a big difference." Cass says. "Yeah, fucking Alfie Solomons must really be helping business." Polly says, making Alfie step forwards. Cass immediately draws her arm out against Alfie's chest to stop him from doing anything he'll regret. "What happens between me and Alfie is private. Personal and business don't mix, everyone knows that. I don't get what your problem is, Pol, but I'm sick of this. Just grow up and voice your problems like the fucking woman you are." Cass says, anger laced between her words.

Before anyone can say anything else, Michael walks through the door. "Happy birthday!" Everyone yells after a stunned moment of silence. "Thank you." Michael says, slightly bashful. He had no idea that everyone cared enough to do this for him. Everyone watches as Tommy steps closer to him, handing him a small box. Michael opens it excitedly, admiring the pocket watch that was inside. "It's so you're never late for work." Tommy says proudly, the tension in the room slowly disappearing.

Michael instantly looks towards his mother. "Thank you." He says with an almost relieved smile before pulling her into a hug. "Let's get him drunk!" Arthur yells with a laugh. "No! Don't give him whiskey. Only dark mild. He's got work in the morning." Tommy replies, pointing to Michael jokingly.

Everyone quickly splits off into their own conversations. Arthur and John tell Michael that everyone in the family gets a pocket watch for their 18th birthday and that it's a Shelby tradition. Tommy and Finn start talking about his schoolwork and the jobs he and Isiah will be doing in the betting shop. Alfie and Cass just stand quietly as Polly glares at them.


"I think we need to talk. Well, Tommy told me to come and talk to you." Polly says as she joins Cass outside the pub. The tension got too much for Cass, so she 'borrowed' a cigarette off John and decided to smoke it outside. "Ok." Cass replies quietly. Polly steps closer to her and takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I brought Alfie into our argument." She says calmly. "We shouldn't be arguing anyway." Cass retorts, knowing that her aunt is avoiding the entire reason for this conversation. "I know. I know you meant well by keeping Michael's address from me. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, and it was immature of me to keep everything going." Pol then says, earning a nod from her niece. "I really am sorry, and I'd like to get to know Alfie more since he's clearly not going anywhere any time soon." She adds with a small smile. "That would be nice." Cass says, mirroring Polly's smile.

"Well, am I forgiven?" Polly then asks, her smile growing. "Of course you are." Cass says, pulling her aunt in for a hug. The two women laugh slightly, more out of relief than actually finding anything funny. They make their way back into the party in the snug, making everyone else relax at the sight of them with linked arms.

It had been a long 2 months for the rest of the family. Well, except for Michael who didn't really understand what was going on. Tommy was constantly on edge, Arthur and John were constantly stuck in the middle, and Finn was always on the brink of a panic attack. However, it was finally time for them all to relax and enjoy celebrating Michael's birthday and employment.

Alfie really enjoyed the rest of the night since he got to see how Cass was around her family. She was calm, happy, and extremely elegant as she moved around the room. It was nice for him to see her at ease with everything. This was probably the first time she had been so relaxed around him other than when she is sleeping, but even then it's give or take. His eyes rarely left her for the entire night, which was something the Shelby brothers had noticed. They knew he was a dangerous man, but from this small action they knew he wouldn't hurt their sister. That's what made the night so great. No one was stressed about business, or threats, or dangers. They were focussed on family, and that's all that mattered.

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