Chapter 28 - Plans in motion

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Cass has missed quite a lot since keeping to herself in her bedroom. For example, she didn't know until now about the fight that Michael and one of the peaky boys had in the Marquis of Lorne which resulted in John and Arthur burning it down. She did, however, know about Arthur being arrested in London with the charge of murder. After all, it was her plan.

She was currently sat in the closed betting den with John, Esme, Polly, and Finn. She couldn't bring herself to look at any of them, so is focusing on the lit cigarette in her hand. One won't harm the baby, she made sure to triple check with Polly. After all, Ada smoked the whole way through her pregnancy and Karl turned out to be fine.

Tommy walks in, breaking the silence that had filled the room. He immediately notices the worried look on his sister's face and sends her a look of reassurance. He knows that Arthur is fine and is making a point to let Cass know.

"John, talk to me." Tommy orders bluntly, lighting a cigarette as he does. "The coppers have lifted 10 of our men in Camden Town. The rest of them are on the run." John starts. "They've taken Michael." Polly butts in, standing from her seat. "Business first." Tommy says, gesturing for John to continue. "They took Michael last night." Polly continues, walking closer to Tommy with every word. "I said business first." Tommy repeats. "They picked him up..." Polly persists. "Polly, business first!" Tommy yells, cutting her off completely.

"John?" He then says, nodding towards his brother. "They took all our whiskey, so no doubt they'll be sipping on that for Christmas. They've impounded all our vans, put their own locks on the warehouse, and have helped to raid the Eden Club to give it back to Sabini." John lists, looking angrier towards his brother by the second. "The black country boys think it was Arthur who killed Billy Kitchen because that's what the coppers told them. They've revoked our free passes for the whiskey boats." He continues.

"I don't give a fuck about whiskey, or Billy Kitchen. I want my son out of prison. Now." Polly interjects. "Thomas, I spoke to Johnny Dogs." Esme starts, trying her best to be helpful. "This meeting should be family only." Polly shouts, clearly unhappy about the fact that she is being ignored. "I can help." Esme defends. "It's family only, Tommy. She's not blood." Polly continues, talking over her niece-in-law. "Since when does blood mean family? She's part of our family, Polly. Just because you want to focus on Michael does not mean that you can disrespect anyone." Cass says, almost yelling, before sending a smile Esme's way who is both shocked and grateful for the outburst.

"Carry on, Esme." Tommy says after a few moments of silence. No one expected Cass to say that, leaving them all slightly stunned. "I spoke to Johnny Dogs. The Lees are kin." She says confidently. "The bloody Lees?" Polly screeches. "They can give us men." Esme adds, ignoring the hostility she's receiving from Pol. "We don't need more fucking men! It's men that have done the damage." Polly argues before calming down slightly to get her point across. "It's men fighting like cockerels that have put us here in the first place." She adds, slamming her hand down onto the table.

"Esme, we will take up their offer. We need all the men we can get." Tommy says calmly, facing his sister-in-law and earning a nod. Everyone's eyes turn to Polly as she threateningly steps up to Tommy. "If Michael gets out of prison, I am taking him far away from here. From this family. For good." She says darkly. "This life is bad." She then says, stalking over to Finn and taking a hold of his arm. "This life is all bad." She repeats, dragging the youngest Shelby out of the room.

"Pol, what are you doing?" Finn asks in confusion, sending a pleading look towards his sister. "Keep walking." Polly orders, practically pushing him around at this point. Cass just nods to him slightly. She knows Polly won't give up in this argument, and it's probably best to let Finn go with her.

"You alright, Tom?" Cass asks gently as her brother sits at the table and holds his head in his hands. "Should I speak with Queen Mary Lee from the black patch, Thomas? She can give us soldiers for a few nights." Esme suggests, wanting to break the tension. "Yes, please." Tommy answers, barely looking at anyone. "John, let's go." She then says, pulling her husband out of his seat and leaving Cass and Tommy to sit in silence.

Both of them knew that the family would have a problem with Arthur being in prison. It was one of the downfalls that went with Cass's plan. Part of Cass regrets even bringing up her idea, but she knows it's too late. She brings her hands to rest on her stomach as she watches Tommy's movements.

"I have a letter for you. It's from Alfie." He says quietly, reaching into the inside pocket of his coat and pulling out a small envelope. "It was sent by private courier, so I know it hasn't been tainted with. Here." He then says, passing her the letter. "Thanks." Cass says humbly before continuing to sit in silence. She knows that Tommy needs company right now, she can see it in his eyes, so decides to stay with him for a while. It's the least she can do after everything he has done over the past few weeks.

AN~ Two updates for today to make up for the lack of posting recently. Hope you all enjoy :)

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