Chapter 19 - Confessions and decisions

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"What?" Alfie says down the phone gruffly, clearly having not expected Cass's call. "Well, hello to you too." Cass retorts. "Sorry, love. It's just been one of them days." Alfie replies with a tired sigh. "You can say that again." Cass jokes, trying to lighten the situation before she tells him her actual reason for calling.

"Why do you say that love?" Alfie asks, spiking Cass's anxiety. "Oh, well, something happened today. It's actually why I called you. Look, I know I was meant to be coming back down to London on Sunday, but I can't." Cass says, biting her lip. "Why? What's wrong?" Alfie asks, suddenly on edge. "I, uhm, got shot." Cass replies quickly, hoping he still heard it, so she doesn't have to admit it again. "You fucking what? How? Are you alright?" He says angrily. "I'm fine, it was just a graze." Cass tries to reassure him, although she knows it won't work.

"Nope. Not good enough. I'm coming to see you." Alfie says defiantly. Cass notices the clattering noises in the background, making her realise that he means right now. "No, Alfie. You don't have to come all the way up here. I'm fine, honestly." She tries to argue. "I don't care if you're fine. You just got fucking shot, yeah? I'm coming to look after you." Alfie then says, his tone softening towards the end. "You're not going to accept the word 'no', are you?" Cass sighs down the phone. "What do you think?" Alfie retorts, making her smile.

"Look, I'm leaving now. I'll be in Birmingham around 5 o'clock." Alfie then says. "Alright." Cass says in defeat. She knows she would never be able to talk him out of it. Even she got him to agree to stay in London, he would still make the journey. It's the kind of man he is.


A few hours later, Alfie pounds on the betting shop door as if his life depended on it. "We're closed." Polly says as she swings the doors open. "I don't fucking care." Alfie retorts. Polly sighs. "I'll get Cassie." She says before turning away, leaving him to let himself in.

A few moments later, his angel walks in with a smile on her face. "Alfie." She greets as she makes her way over to him. "You alright?" He asks solemnly, raking his eyes over her bandage covered bicep. "I'm fine." She says with a grin. "Glad you came, though." She adds before pecking his lips. She goes to step away but is stopped by Alfie grabbing her waist. "I don't think so, love." He whispers before pulling her back in for a deeper kiss.

"Well, that's something I could have lived without seeing." Tommy says from the doorway, pulling the couple apart. "Nice to see you, Tommy." Alfie says with a smirk. "What are you doing here, Mr Solomons?" Tommy asks, making Cass roll her eyes. "Well, you see, I heard that your sister took a fucking bullet that was meant for you. Now, being the gentleman that I am, I decided to come and see if she was ok. Is that alright with you?" Alfie replies, his face now deadly serious. "I guess so." Tommy says.

"Oh, and another thing. I'm going to be taking her back to London where she doesn't throw herself in front of fucking guns." Alfie then says, prompting Cass to snap her head towards him. "What?" She asks in shock. "Look, I know you like being in Birmingham, but I want to be able to protect you too." Alfie replies, placing his hand on her shoulder but retracting it when she winces. "I think it's a good idea." Tommy says, surprising them both. "Cass, Sabini's spent the last 2 months trying to kill me, hurting you in the process. The time you spent in London was good for you, and I know you'll always be safe with him." He then explains.

Cassie sighs in contemplation. She doesn't want to be away from her family, but she knows they're right. "How long?" She asks, prompting the two men to look at each other. "How long am I going to be away from home?" She reiterates, her tone sounding stressed. "Not long." Tommy answers with a shrug. "That's not an answer." Cass retorts. "Fine. Why don't you stay with Alfie until business is done?" Tommy tries to negotiate, making Cass blood boil.

"Until business is done? Do I have 'idiot' written on my forehead? Don't forget who helped you make that business plan, Tommy. I'm not staying away from my family for 4 months. I knew what I was getting into when we started this. If you're not running away, then why should I?" Cass says, almost yelling. "Because I can't lose you!" Tommy yells in reply, shocking both Cass and Alfie.

The couple watch as Tommy runs a hand through his hair. "I can't lose you, Cass. You're the only one who understands what to do, who understands who I am." Tommy goes on to explain, his voice now quieter. "And sending me away is going to make you feel better?" Cass asks, tears gathering into her eyes. "For now." Her brother replies, ignoring Alfie's uncomfortable expression.

"Fine." Cass sighs in defeat. "But I want to come back every other weekend, even if it's on my own." She then says, looking between her brother and her lover. "That's fine." They say at the same time. "Good. I guess I'll go and pack some things." Cass then says before walking out of the room.

"Thanks, Alfie." Tommy says sincerely. "Anytime, mate." Alfie replies, clapping him on the back. "I hope I can trust you. I know you love her, I can see it in your face, but I will kill you if she gets hurt." Tommy then says, his tone sterner. "Mate, if I ever hurt her I'll give you the gun myself." Alfie retorts, making Tommy smile with satisfaction.

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