Chapter 33 - A lifetime worth of pain

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~AN~ This is quite long and has a possible TW. Apologies in advance.

Cassie and Alfie have been back in London for about a week. They spent 2 weeks in Birmingham before deciding that they were happier on their own. Besides, Cass was way too stressed around her family and Alfie didn't like the idea that it was harming their son – and Cass felt guilty about leaving Cyril alone with only once a day check-ins from Ollie. Polly and Tommy were constantly at each other's throats and Arthur and John just sat in silence around them. Cass tried to talk to them, but they were still trying to get over the bombshells that had been dropped.

The couple are currently in bed. Alfie fell asleep about an hour ago, but Cass hasn't been able to settle. Cyril is lying at the foot of the bed, constantly lifting his head to see that her and Alfie are alright. Something doesn't feel right. She tries to find a comfortable position, but all of her tossing and turning has started to put a strain on her belly. That's why Cyril is on edge as well. She tries to get her son to settle by rubbing her bump, but this only causes the pain to spike even more.

Eventually, she gives up. She sits up and dangles her legs over the edge of the bed, the pain now starting to become unbearable. Her head starts to feel fuzzy for a second, prompting her to try and stand to get some water. The next thing she knows, she's on the floor and holding onto her belly for dear life. She gasps in pain as tears spring to her eyes. Cyril is immediately at her side.

"Alfie." She strains in an attempt to wake him up, sighing when she has to try harder. "Alfie something's wrong!" She yells, prompting the dog to bark and jump on his owner. Alfie groans as he is pulled from sleep. "Cass?" He asks tiredly as he reaches for her, sharply sitting up when he doesn't feel her beside him. His eyes quickly widen, now lacking the previous tiredness as he notices her crumpled on the floor surrounded by a small, yet growing, patch of blood on her clothes.

"What's going on?" He asks hurriedly as he crouches beside her. "I don't know, but it hurts." Cass cries in reply. "Alright, can you stand up?" Alfie asks in a panicked tone. Cass just shakes her head as she is hit with another wave of pain. "I'm going to call an ambulance, I'll be right back." He says before running out of the room.

He has no idea what's going on, but the blood is defiantly not a good sign. "Hello? I need an ambulance." He says down the phone, his heart racing a million beats a second. "What seems to be the problem?" The operator asks. "My... uhm... girlfriend, is about 7 months pregnant and she's in a lot of pain. She's bleeding and can't stand up. I need an ambulance here right now." Alfie says quickly. "Ok, sir, we can get an ambulance to you as soon as possible. What's your name and address?" The operator asks. "Alfie fucking Solomons. You know where I live." Alfie spits in reply. "Right, of course Mr Solomons. We'll have the ambulance to your house right away." The operator says, prompting Alfie to hang up the phone and run back into his bedroom.

Cass is still in the same position as before, except there is a lot more blood and she seems to be getting weaker. Cyril hasn't left her side. "Help is on the way, love. I need you to stay awake for me, ok?" Alfie says gently as he kneels in front of her and brushes her hair out of her face. "What's happening, Alfie?" She asks in between sobs. "I don't know, love. But everything is going to be fine." He replies, wishing he could do something to help.


Cass seemed to be in even more pain when the paramedics arrived. They rushed her into the ambulance and took her away, instructing Alfie to follow immediately. He got into his car and raced behind them all the way to the hospital. He jumped out, not even bothering to park properly, and ran into the reception area.

"I'm here for Casandra Shelby." He says breathlessly. "She's in delivery room 4, Mr Solomons." The woman says, too scared to tell him that he's not usually allowed in there. Alfie makes his way down the hall towards the blood curdling screams that are echoing throughout the building. He walks into the room to see a now conscious Cass in the midst of what he assumes to be labour. He freezes at the sight for a split second before rushing to her side.

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