Chapter 24 - Shouldn't be surprised

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Cass has been living with Alfie for two months now, not including the month she spent with him beforehand. Within those two months, Cass has not had a single period. That's why she's currently waiting outside the doctor's office. To say that she's nervous would be an extreme understatement. She's not only nervous for the result, but for Alfie's reaction if she is actually pregnant. How would someone like him react to news like that?

It wouldn't surprise Cass if she was pregnant. After all, Alfie loves sex just as much as she does. There hasn't been an entire week where they haven't slept together, and that's why Cass is nervous. She knows that they should have been more careful but trying to tell Alfie to pull out would be like talking to a wall. He wouldn't listen, let alone want to listen. However, Cass also knows that she shouldn't be blaming this on his impulses. She could have said no to him but didn't. This was the work of both of them. A joined effort. And that's what it will be if they choose to keep the baby – if there is one.


"Congratulations, Miss Shelby. You're around 1 and a half months pregnant. Here's a list of things to avoid if possible." The doctor says cheerfully. Cass just sits there in shock. She's actually pregnant. "Miss Shelby?" The doctor asks, pulling her from her worried thoughts. "Yes, sorry. Thank you." Cass says with a small smile as she climbs off the examining table and takes the sheet of paper out of his hand. "I'll be here to answer any questions you have. Feel free to call." The doctor then says as he guides her out of the room. Cass just nods before rushing out of the building.

How the hell is she going to tell Alfie? What will everyone else say? What will happen with the business? These are just a few of the worries that are currently floating around in her head as she walks down the street towards Alfie's house. This couldn't have happened at a worse time, but she can't help but feel happy about it. She's waited all of her life to be able to start a family, and this is her chance. Maybe it's a silver lining to everything that's been going on recently. Well, that's what she is choosing to believe for now.


"I'm home, love." Alfie yells as he walks through the front door. Cass's heart instantly starts to beat faster. "Where are you?" He then yells. "I'm in the kitchen." Cass shouts back meekly, mentally kicking herself for the break in her voice. "Is everything alright?" Alfie asks as he walks in to see her pacing around the table. "I have some news." Cass replies nervously. She can instantly see the worry on Alfie's face.

"Take a seat." She says with a small smile before standing opposite him on the other side of the table. "What's going on?" Alfie asks sternly, making Cass's anxiety spike once again. "Well, I went to the doctor's today since I haven't bled in a while." She starts, earning a slow nod. "He ran a few tests, and uhm..." She continues, finding herself at a loss for words and biting her lower lip instead. "And?" Alfie pushes, the suspense almost choking him. "I'm pregnant." Cass says quietly, still letting her nerves take over her entire body.

"What?" Alfie gasps after a moment of silence. "You're pregnant?" He asks to which Cass nods in reply. "With my kid?" He then asks, making Cass roll her eyes. "Who else would I have slept with?" She almost snaps. "We're having a baby?" Alfie says as his smile grows. "If that's what you want, yeah. I'm carrying your child." Cass reiterates, still unsure of how she should act.

Before Cass can even think, she is being swept off her feet and spun around in Alfie's arms. "Wait, you're happy?" She asks after being put down. "Of course I am. I always knew you were going to be the mother of my kids, love." Alfie replies, keeping her close. Tears of happiness spring into Cass's eyes as she pulls him down for a kiss.

Alfie kisses her back with as much passion as he can muster before guiding his lips down her jaw, to her neck, and down her body. He crouches in front of her and places a gentle kiss to her stomach, making her giggle through sniffles. "I'm going to love you so fucking much, little one." He whispers before kissing the same spot again. "You look after your mum, alright?" He then whispers before standing back up.

"I love you." Cass says through her happy sobs. "I love you more." Alfie says before pulling her in for another kiss. "We're having a baby." She whispers with a grin, resting her forehead on his. "And he's going to be the best kid out there." Alfie says, making Cass laugh. "It could be a girl." She counters with a smirk. "I doubt it, love." Alfie replies, matching her smirk and making her laugh once again.


"So, should we start thinking about names?" Alfie says softly, holding Cass in his arms as they lay on the bed. He decided that a vigorous celebration should be had and quickly whisked her to bed. "It's a little early for that, don't you think?" Cass replies with a small giggle. "Of course not. My boy needs a strong name." Alfie says, pulling her closer. "You're sure it's going to be a boy?" Cass asks expectantly. "I am." Alfie replies smugly. "Well, there's an old gypsy way of finding out. Do you want to try it?" She asks, leaning up to face him. "Gypsy magic? I don't think so." He grunts. "Come on, it might tell us. Just humour me for a minute?" She pleads, making him roll his eyes. "Fine. What do we have to do?" He asks in defeat, prompting Cass to sit up and jump off the bed excitedly.

"Ok, I need one of your rings and a piece of string." She says, almost acting like a child which warms Alfie's heart. "There's some string in the drawer." He says. Once Cass has the string, she ties it around the ring that Alfie usually wears on his middle finger. "Ok, I need you to stand up. I'm going to lay flat, and you need to hold the string over my stomach. Dangle the ring at the bottom and hold it still." She orders, moving out of his way before getting comfortable on the bed.

"Hold it over the baby." She then says, slightly nervous. Alfie kneels in front of his bed and does as he's told. The pair watch in suspense as the string starts to move forwards and backwards between her head and feet. Cass knows exactly what this means. Polly always told her that if the ring moves in a circular motion, the baby is a girl. If the ring moves forwards and backwards, it's a boy. She sighs happily as a tear runs down the side of her face.

"Well?" Alfie asks. "You were right." She replies with a smile. "I knew it." He says with a chuckle as she sits up. He immediately pulls her into a kiss, gently holding both of his hands on either side of her face. "So, how about 'Ephraim'?" He then asks hopefully. "This is going to be a long night." Cass says jokingly with a fake sigh. 

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