🍃13 - Picked It Up (6)

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But behind that satisfaction, Cale suddenly felt chills on the back of his neck. It was because Ron drank the lemon tea without any complaints.


Why did the sound of the teacup being placed on the table feel so loud? Thankfully, it was not just Cale being paranoid. Choi Han, who had been quietly enjoying his tea, started to frown.

"Why don't you enjoy your tea a little more quietly?"

Ron held back his laughter after seeing Choi Han take a peek at Cale before speaking in a more respectful tone to him. Today, he had found a decently useful sword for Choi Han. It was a sword made by the same blacksmith as the one who made Beacrox's cooking knife.

'Want to try it out?'

'I will not fight against someone who is trying to cut someone else with a cooking knife.'

His son, Beacrox, kept nagging Choi Han to fight him with that sword. It was because Beacrox learned a bit about Choi Han's strength from that short bout last time, and wanted to find out more. However, Choi Han continued to reject him.

'Ho, what a funny punk. What, do I need to bring a bloodied sword like you?'

Choi Han closed his eyes for a moment before opening them back up and responded to Beacrox as if he was confirming it for himself.

'I, I will now be someone who protects. He said even I could do it.'

'What the heck are you saying?'

Ron watched his son and Choi Han's cute bickering, before following Choi Han to come see Cale. He didn't expect to hear such a precious thing.

'I can't live as a trash forever.'

That was what Ron was thinking about as he drank the lemon tea. But it looked like he was glaring at Choi Han. Cale was watching that scene with satisfaction.

Ron and Choi Han's relationship in 'The Birth of a Hero' was just like this. They were always at each other's throats, but still continued to travel together. They were tied together by a contract, but they both knew they could also rely on one another.

Cale thought that a lot of things got twisted because of his actions to not get beaten up, but it looked like their relationship was forming in a similar manner.

'It is disappointing that it got twisted a bit, but my life comes first. I can't let the novel dictate my life.'

For Cale, his life was the first priority. After that, it was that everybody living within his territory lived peacefully. What else could you need?

"Sweet teas are really the best."

Ron flinched at the words that Cale happily said.

The tea time for these three individuals ended in the middle of the downpour.

"I guess the next time I will see you will be at the capital."

Cale shook his head toward Billos, who greeted Cale as he came down from the third floor after tea time.

"I will be coming here everyday for a while."

"Is that so? To read the book?"

"Whatever I feel like doing."

"Please feel free to visit whenever you would like. This tea shop is open to you at all times young master."

Billos was watching Cale, who walked by while pretending not to hear what he said, with curiosity. Ron was just quietly observing them from behind.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now