🪶88 - I Suppose It Is A Gift (1)

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Cale, who was coming out of the bedroom and heading to the back door, ran into Odeus.

“Odeus, very satisfactory performance.”

Odeus didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Cale’s comment. However, based on the results of everything, he had only happiness on his mind.

“No, the pleasure was mine. I am very happy about the overflowing benefit I gained.”

“I’m sure.”

Cale didn’t even play along to say that the fee Odeus received was small.

The deal was for Cale to get rid of Venion from the Southern Underworld after all.

“I’ll contact you next time.”

Odeus did not want to see Cale ever again. His instincts that he had built up through his long life were telling him that it was dangerous and that he would suffer greatly. However, his vast experience was also telling him that it was unavoidable. He will have no choice but to see him again.

“Of course. I will let you know where I am every so often.”


Cale got on the carriage with Beacrox in the driver’s seat. The driver who had brought the carriage to the Stan territory had already returned.


“Yes sir?”

“You know what to do with the basement, right?”

Odeus’s eyes slightly shook. He looked toward where the entrance to the basement near the back door used to be. Now it was just a pile of rubble.

“…I will take care of everything properly.”


Odeus had seen the remains of the feast as well as the broken torture devices in the basement before it was destroyed.

‘Total bullshit about him being a good person.’

There were no good nobles with a strong sense of self-sacrifice. They were all vicious and sly.

“And I don’t want you to tell Billos about what happened.”

“Secrets are the life of such commissions.”

“Yes, I know. It definitely is the main part.”

Both of them started to gently smile at each other. However, neither of them were smiling internally.

“Then, off I go.”

“Please have a safe journey.”

Odeus’s goodbye was very sincere like he wanted to never see Cale again. Cale smirked at Odeus’s goodbye and closed the carriage door.

Beacrox started to drive as soon as the door closed.

The carriage left the Stan territory and headed toward the Kingdom’s western region. They continued to quickly travel other than resting during the night.


Cale, who had been looking out the window, turned his head after hearing Choi Han’s gentle voice. Choi Han’s unique pure smile was on his face as he was handing On and Hong some snacks.

“No. Not bored!”

“I enjoy rolling around doing nothing the most.”

Choi Han laughed and responded back.

“You guys really are similar to Cale-nim?”

‘…Is he talking shit about me?’

Cale focused on Choi Han after hearing what could be both a compliment or a dig and then turned his gaze to On and Hong.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now