🪶50 - Into the Whirlpool (1)

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Amiru, who had no way of knowing what Cale was thinking about, thought the serious expression on Cale's face was because of how caring of a person he was. She then continued to speak.

"Based on his outfit and physique, he seemed to be someone from the Whipper Kingdom."

It was definitely Toonka.

Cale's face turned paler as Amiru continued to speak.

The non-mage faction that was fighting against the mages in the Whipper Kingdom were ignored as barbarians by the mages.

However, there were no barbarians in this world.

All humans had the same brain. It was just that, as time went on and history was created, they all grew and developed in the way that was most suitable for them.

The non-mages of the Whipper Kingdom were all strong individuals who managed to take control of the Whipper Kingdom's harsh mountains and shores without using any magic. They were people who focused on strengthening the human body rather than relying on other factors, such as magic.

They were rebelling because they wanted to destroy the current Whipper Kingdom that was made only for mages to have easy lives and return it to its original form.

The citizens of the Whipper Kingdom were on the side of these non-mages. Foreigners may think that the barbarians were trying to take over the kingdom, but they were not barbarians to the Whipper Kingdom's citizens. They were just free people.

They used instinct to take down this kingdom of logic.

'The problem is that Toonka is extremely stupid.'

An intelligent barbarian? There were some who said that, but, in Cale's opinion, Toonka was just a simple and stupid person who just happened to be very strong.

And stupid people were the scariest type of people.

This was because you could not talk to them.

"Young master Cale, you do not have to worry about that person. He seemed to recover very quickly."

Cale laughed it off after hearing Amiru's words.

"I'm not worried at all. In fact, I'd prefer it if he continued to get treatment for a long time."

Cale's hope was that Toonka would remain in recovery until he left. Amiru, as well as the knights who were with her in the capital, all looked toward Cale with warm gazes.

Cale did not have time to pay attention to such gazes. He had enough of a headache trying to figure out why Toonka arrived here so early.

"Young lady Amiru, could you please show us to our rooms?"

"Of course. You are still not at full strength yet, right?"

"Yes. I am still hurt."

"...Oh no, let's hurry then."

Cale only had a single thought in his head as Amiru started to walk quickly with a serious expression on her face before slowing back down to Cale's speed.

'Billos may be a Flynn and is extremely talented, but how was he so sure about the Civil War? How did he find out so early?'

It was because Cale had read the novel that he knew about Billos's abilities. However, Billos was still ostracized as a bastard son right now. There had to be a limit to his information gathering.

The fact that Billos knew about it made one thing possible.

'The Civil War must be happening earlier than in the novel.'

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