🪶40 - Don't know, I don't know (1)

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Cale gently smiled at the prince, and started to think.

'Don't know. I don't know.'

The Black Dragon kept on dragging on about asking why a dragon would ever use its magic for such an useless man and how he would never do such a thing, but Cale tried his best to not listen.

- Hmm? His pupils are also dyed. This weakling is definitely plotting something. Weak human, be careful.

'If you stop talking, I think I'll be fine.'

- Hmm? This person is not weak. Weak human, be extra careful. You will die.


Cale was frightened of this Black Dragon, that was explaining useless things, for the first time. At the same time, Cale's mind began to think quickly.

The prince's mother was not the queen. She was a concubine, and she originally was a servant, one of the citizens who worked in the royal family. The third prince's mother was the current queen. The crown prince's mother is said to have had a questionable death when the crown prince was young.

Cale started to naturally think about the true identity of the crown prince's mother.

The prince was known to be average, but the dragon was saying that he is not weak. In the novel, even Choi Han judged the crown prince to be normal, so what was he hiding? And how did the dragon find out?

'... No. Whether he hides it or not, it is not my business. '

Cale did not listen to the murmuring black dragon. Something must have been really interesting, as the Black Dragon continued to talk about the crown prince.

"... Mister Cale seems to be a bit like me."

The crown prince was saying something, but Cale was too busy thinking about things, so he just casually responded.

"Your majesty, such statement is the biggest honor of my life."

The crown prince let go of Cale's hand, as if he was nervous. Cale did not notice the nervousness, and stepped back without a word, moving behind Eric. It was easy to use Eric as a shield when things got complicated.

The crown prince observed Cale with curiosity, before turning his gaze over to Eric.

Eric started to speak with the crown prince once again.

Cale watched him and started to think.

'There is a reason.'

There was a reason the crown prince was wary of the second and third princes. There was also a reason as to why the king's favor suddenly went to the third prince. He was able to guess it all.

'Is he not really his son? Or is there a different secret to his birth?'

Cale's mind went to a drama that Kim Rok Soo saw while working at a restaurant after graduating high school.

The crown prince, Alberu Crossman, was naturally the main character.

Cale reaffirmed himself once more.

'Be still.'

He would be still from here on. He made the decision to not find out about anything else.

Cale thoroughly kept that promise. He did not drink any alcohol today, and that led to the nobles from other regions, who had never met him previously, approaching him to talk. Cale looked to Eric every time, and Eric got to work.

After this happened a couple of times, Cale quietly mumbled to himself.

"Oh. This is pretty nice."

Gilbert and Amiru flinched after hearing that quiet murmuring, and started to talk to each other using their eyes.

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