🍃15 - Heading Out (2)

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In order to achieve the results he wanted, Cale had to choose to camp outside. There were no villages along the way until the village near the hidden cave of the Black Dragon.


The red Cat Tribe kitten Hong meowed and wagged his tail, as if he was excited. It was because of the delicious smell filling the area.

'The joy of the day comes from eating a delicious dinner.'

That was what Cale was thinking. A warm dinner was the signal to end the long and tiring day, and start a relaxing night.

Tonight's main course was a soup with rabbit meat.

"Damn it."

It was not Ron's doing. Cale turned his gaze to the side. Choi Han, the person who had caught the rabbits, was happily eating his soup.


Tap. Tap. On and Hong were tapping on his leg, asking him to give it to them if he didn't want it. Hans had a wide smile on his face as he cautiously approached the two children.

"Would our precious kitten-nims like to eat the jerky that I prepared for you? It is very healthy, without any salt or preservatives."

Naturally, On and Hong ignored Hans. Hans, who did not know they were part of the Cat Tribe, found that sass to be cute as well and continued to linger around them.

Contrary to the fact that they had their first battle, it was a very relaxed and peaceful environment. However, the atmosphere around the knights seemed to be a bit odd. They kept peeking toward Choi Han, who was eating his soup next to Cale. The Vice Captain seemed to be full of agony.


Cale clicked his tongue.

Cale's party had to fight off tens of bandits today. The one to handle most of those bandits was naturally Choi Han. He did not kill the bandits. However, he had no issues cutting off a limb or leaving them a deep scar. Not only that, he did it in an unbelievable speed too.

'Young master, the battle is over.'

The Vice Captain had reported this to Cale with a shocked expression on his face. He had not expected it to end so quickly.

The bandits were ones who were pushed out of power in a different area nearby. The bandits they had thought were stupid were at their limits and felt that they could handle five knights because of their numbers.

Unfortunately, their first target ended up being Cale's carriage with Choi Han.

The reason the Vice Captain's face was completely pale was not because of the strength of the bandits. Choi Han approached next to the Vice Captain and added on.

'It was a light battle. Not even enough for a warm-up.'

Cale could see the Vice Captain slightly flinch after hearing Choi Han's words. He could also see Choi Han smirking while looking at the Vice Captain flinch.

'He really isn't the type to let people do as they please with him.'

There was no way that someone like Choi Han, who had no issues beating up the Count's son, would be nice and let people just continue to mess with him.

"Do you have no appetite?"

Cale seemed to be frustrated, as Ron approached him with his usual benign smile. He looked back and forth between the rabbit soup and Ron, before suddenly realizing something. This old man enjoyed making fun of him.

"Yes. None at all."

Choi Han responded to that statement with hidden dissapointment.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

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