🍃75 - A Good Person (1)

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After safely getting out of the Magic Tower, Cale ran into Beacrox, who was still guarding his tent. Beacrox pretended like Cale did not exist, and Cale also did not say anything as he entered the tent.

Mueller was, naturally, with him.

Cale let go of Mueller and sat down on the couch. Even without Cale saying anything, Mueller kneeled in front of Cale. Although there was no need to do that, Cale didn't care and just got straight to the point.

"I will give you a warm bed and a safe place where you will definitely not die. And, eventually, I will also give you your freedom."



Cale crouched toward Mueller, who was still kneeling.

"First, I will let you leave the Whipper Kingdom."

Mueller's pupils turned cloudy. He was afraid of both the citizens and other mages. Just leaving this place would make him happy. Cale casually put a brooch on Mueller's collar.

It was the golden brooch that Mueller tried to take earlier. There was no way Cale did not see it happen. Mueller's face turned pale.

"I will also give you treasures like this. So, you'll be able to do a good job with whatever I ask, right?"

"Yes, yes sir! I will definitely do a good job!"

"Then create a blueprint for a castle and a ship."

"...Excuse me?"

Mueller was said to have the potential to become the greatest developer. What Cale wanted was for him to develop things.

"Something along the lines of the Magic Tower is fine."

He needed a safe sweet home and a strong method of transportation.

"How should I make it?"

Mueller's question made Cale think of his family crest.

The Golden Turtle.

There was something that came to mind when he thought of a ship and a turtle. Kim Rok Soo recalled the great Turtle Ship of Korea, but chose not to say anything about it. All he wanted was a ship for transporting and safety. The Turtle Ship of Korea with all of its exciting history was not necessary for him.

"...Our family crest is the Golden Turtle. You figure it out from there."

Mueller will take care of it. Although he didn't know what the end result would be, Cale made sure to be stern with Mueller.

"Work hard, as if your life depends on it. On, Hong, keep an eye on him."


"Surveillance is fun!"

Mueller was weak against children. In fact, he was very weak against children.

"I, I will work hard!"

Cale listened to his voice as he thought about how he was satisfied with today's operation.

He could hear the citizens singing by the bonfire. The celebration was still going on even though it was close to midnight.

It was going to be a loud night.


The celebration continued until early in the morning, but it was calm after that. However, time still continued to flow during the calm.

"Are you feeling better?"

Cale just waved his hand at Chief Harol's question.


Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now