Chapter 25 Marigold

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Stone insisted that I not help with the shopping bags. He and two of the guards carried everything to the elevator and into my room. I was standing in the middle of the closest that didn't seem so empty now. I was surrounded by colorful bags and tissue paper, and I had no idea where to start.

"Ma'am?" A quiet knock came from the outside of the closest.

"Yes?" I called out, nudging open the doors,

"Oh, hi, Zoey."

"Beta Ferra sent me to put away your things." Zoey said, bowing her head.

"Oh, I can do it." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Really, ma'am, it's no trouble!" Zoey insisted. I sighed,

"Alright, Zoey, I'll make you a deal. You call me Mari and I'll let you help me put the clothes away." I cocked my head to the side and stared at the housemaid. She blushed slightly,

"Okay....Mari." She stammered. I laughed and clapped my hands,

"Good job!" I started pulling out the tissue paper from the colorful bags,

"Anyway, I could actually use some help with all this. I don't even know where to begin."

There was a large table in the center of the closet that Zoey used to lay out the clothes she was pulling from the bags. First, she folded the underwear, bras, socks, nighties, and pajamas. She left quickly and came back with a laundry basket full ov white hangers that matched the white closet inserts. All of the long pants were hung in one section, skirts and dresses in another, with casual shirts by themselves, dress shirts in a fourth section, and shorts in a fifth. She color coded each section.

Then, she put my bras in a drawer that had little inserts to help organize them, with my underwear in the second drawer and socks in the third. She folded all of my nighties on a shelf and my regular pajamas on the shelf below that. I blushed as she organized the lingerie on the third shelf.

"Ferra made me buy all that." I said defensively, pointing at the silky garments. Zoey smiled politely,

"Of course, ma'am." I sighed. At least she called me Mari once.

"Also, I'm starting to appreciate the fact that you're going to be doing my laundry because there's no way I can keep the closest this organized on my own." I said, spinning in circles to observe the closest.

"No problem at all, ma'am, I'll take care of it."

"Zoey...." I groaned.

"Sorry ma.....Mari." Zoey replied quietly. Lastly, Zoey organized my new shoes in a fancy looking shoe rack. I wasn't sure what was wrong with just throwing them on the ground, but apparently that wasn't the right way to do it.

"I also fully stocked the bathroom. I got more of the shampoo and body wash that you like, razors as you requested, and I took the liberty of picking up a few other things I thought you might need." Zoey said as we walked out of the closest.

Zoey opened up the bathroom closest and showed me the extra bath items and towels. There were also several matching decorative baskets. She showed me the contents of each basket. One had an assortment of colorful bath bombs, the other had fragrent soaps, the third had bath salts and bubble baths, while the fourth had face masks and other spa like items. There were pretty clear jars that were labeled and filled with hair ties, hair clips, and bobby pins. Clear plastic drawers had cotton balls, Q tips, and sponges inside.

The drawers of the vanity were fully stocked as well. One drawer had a variety of combs and brushes, another had toothbrushes and toothpaste, a third had an organizer for the hair dryer, a curler, and a straightener, and the final drawer had famine products. I pointed to the final drawer,

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