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"Ke khadijah what is this I'm hearing?
For how long are you going to continue waiting for this useless boy that's not ready to settle down, it's been 4years, he said to wait until you finish school, you are done with school for 2years "haryanzu shiru"
You think you are getting any younger?
I am honestly tired of you staying with me in this house, I'm going to have to drag your uncle into this."A middle age lady say to the girl who's washing the plate in the kitchen sink.

sadiq is coming back soon, he just need a few month to complete the course a.........

"Isn't that what you've been saying since you met this guy?
Nanah I'm not very sure you know what men are capable of?
Continue waiting that's how he will marry someone else, if this guy really love you, atleast a formal introduction to the family will be fine but he keeps bringing excuses, first he want to finish his NYSC, then he want to do his master's, he want to complete his course, what sort of useless excuse is that?
You better wake up from this slumber of yours,
When last did you even see this guy?
Isn't it more than a year."the woman scold and khadijah sigh.

"Mummy that's because sadiq say if he comes back he will come home so we can start preparing for the wedding, I don't know why you are bothering yourself because of this issue, sadiq will come back and marry me, I'm waiting for him."khadijah say and her mum shake her head pathetically at her naive daughter.

Hajiya Halima live with her 3 children in the house if her late husband khalil, khadijah and khairat, after her husband death which is 10years ago she decide to take care of her children on her own maneuvering the little wealth her civil servant husband left behind,
She's been a loving mother to her children, now that her son is all grown up and handle the medium plaza they own she literally stay home with her two daughters,
For hajiya halima all she want is for her first daughter to settle down but all khadijah want to do is wait for sadiq who in her mother's opinion is never going to marry her, when she first saw sadiq with her daughter 4years ago she thought something fruitful will come out of the relationship but after 2years she's given all hope because she believe sadiq is just toying with her daughter emotions, she's worried because her daughter keeps rejecting all the suitors that want to marry her.

"Toh, mujahid want to bring khairat introduction, and your uncle's have been on my neck for you to bring a suitor so the wedding will hold same time."hajiya halima say and khadijah sigh.

"Mummy I'm not in hurry to get married neither am i competiting with my junior sister, if mujahid is ready then good, khairat can marry him if that's what she wants,
Please mummy let's not do things the old school ways, the"aure ai lokaci be" khadijah say and her mum shake her head.

"Nanah you are 25 fah haba,
I'm not going to say much you know i won't force you to do anything but you need to think deep, is this guy really going to marry you,?"her mum say and she sigh.

"Should i wash the rice?"khadijah ask dismissing the topic about sadiq and her mum shrug giving up on her stubborn daughter.

For khadijah she knows everyone thinks she's crazy, from her family to her friends all everyone say to her is forget about sadiq, but for some reason khadijah doesn't want to let go, her relationship with sadiq used to be perfect, even do now they are in a distance relationship because of the course sadiq took she believe they still love each other and sadiq assures her he will marry her once he got back, she met sadiq 4years ago at a friend wedding and they suddenly got hitched up, it was a love at first sight at that time he was doing his NYSC while she was in her 300level, sadiq promised her marriage immediately after his NYSC but that didn't happen because his parents wants him to do his master's, after his master's his dad surprisingly enrolled him into this MBA course in Canada that will last for 3years, it's been two years since she last saw sadiq the few times he comes back home they were so angry with each other that sadiq spend the two days and left without visiting her, even as of now khadijah isn't sure the status of there relationship, there are days where sadiq become all lovey while other days he become so annoying and want even the slightest opportunity for them to quarrel, in conclusion even khadijah herself is beginning to doubt sadiq but she just want to optimistic and also prove everyone wrong about sadiq by waiting for him for as long as she can.

"Ya Nanah."the familiar voice of her sister drift her out of her daydream and she look up from her phone screen.

"What?"khadijah bark upset and her sister pout.

"Ya khalil is calling you."khairat grumble and khadijah glare at her.

"Zo nan."she say
If you ever hiss at me you will see what i will do you in this house, you are just in 100level you want to marry, that doesn't give you the Audacity to do as you please,
"Kika sa ke hara ra na sai na wanka Maki mari."
Nonsense get out of my sight."khadijah say and khairat leave grumbling to herself about how temperamental her elder sister can be at times.

With a heavy sigh khadijah stand up and grab her veil from the bed before exiting the bedroom, from the bedroom lobby she can hear her brother's thunderous baritone voice echoing around the house in anger.

"Did the sadiq charm her?
What arrant nonsense is this, is she going to continue waiting forever."khalil upsetting voice say as khadijah enter the parlour.

"Good evening ya."khadijah grumble once sitted on the one sitter couch in the parlour.

"Evening."khalil say and look at his sister before shaking his head.

When is this sadiq guy going to marry you,
I believe by now the courtship is enough, you two have been dating for 4years now i think it's high time you settle down."khalil say and khadijah sigh.

sadiq will be coming back by the end of the year and he promise he will make a formal introduction when he got back, he just want to complete his Course."khadijah say and her brother nod.

"Mummy it's ok, end of the year is just 5months away, we can plead with mujahid so the wedding date can be extended to end of this year that will even give him enough time to prepare and khairat will be in 200level by then which is fair."khalil say and there mum shrug.

Allah ya kaimu, kowa yayi karyan dare ai gari zai waye.
We will see to the end of the year,
How's sa'adatu and the children ?"hajiya halima ask and khalil shrug.

"They are fine."he say and the conversation start to flow around the parlour, mostly Khalil talking about his two children, despite participating in the conversation somehow khadijah find herself wondering if Waiting for sadiq is worth it, she can't even believe she will fall for some so deeply only for him to be toying her emotions up and down.

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