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"There's nothing shameful in going back to your matrimonial home Nanah,
I know Abu mistreated you but for how long are you going to keep staying at home,
He love you Nanah,
He just have the usual male ego."her mum say and khadijah sigh.

Of Abu love her he would come after her it's been 12weeks, the fact that none of his family members even try to call or even say anything to her mum makes her realises just how insignificant she is to everyone.

"Ummah i will go back."Nanah say with a sigh, it's not a bad thing,
She isn't getting any younger,
Her 31st Birthday is tomorrow and at this age she haven't completely settle down neither did she have any child,
Today after attending her secondary school reunion and she sees all her mate successful and in a stable marriage some with even grown up children that are old enough to settle down she realise that she haven't achieve anything in life,
No stable job,
No stable marriage,
She's just soo confuse what to do.

""It's going to be fine Nanah."her mum say gently pathing her on the back in a soothing gesture as she cry.

"Just go back to your husband house atleast people will stop all this gossip,
Marriage is all about patience,
And insha Allah someday it will come to pass."hajiya halima say as Nanah listen.

For Nanah going back to abubakar house is like the most difficult decision she will have to make at thesame time it's the only reasonable solution she could come up with,
People often call starting afresh as tho it's very easy but where will she start from,
At this age she's sure before she get a reasonable spouse it's going to be difficult,
Work is even less of her problem because what's the point of working when every day she make the money and don't have who to spend it on, that evening khadijah make the decision of returning back to her matrimonial home,
Not because she want to but because she have to.


The next morning khadijah wake up earlier than usual as she arrange her things she wonder what Abu reaction will be like, she hate that she's going back especially after remembering Abu's last word "you will come back Nanah you always do" he say.

"The turaren wuta you ordered."her mum say handing her the neatly wrapped black nylon and she didn't bother opening it she put it in her suitcase.

Hajiya halima stare worriedly at her daughter, she know how things have been difficult for Nanah, from all the rumors around and lies spreading in town surely it has really affect nanah's self esteem, at this point she just pray for the best for her daughter nothing else.

"Nana."her mum call and she look up.
"Take heart kinji,
Everyone you see have there own battle,
I know you've tried and this marriage really did change you for me,
You have alot of patience and sometimes i can't help but smile at the new woman you've become,
I have called a Bolt he's on his way,
You should go and i will send your stuffs for you."hajiya halima suggest and Nanah nod.

The last thing she want is to walk into that house late, she honestly will prefer going this early and Abu waking up to see her than she going in to come face to face with him, she decide to dress nicely since she already bath as her mum mum arrange the clothe for her.

"Absolutely not Fatima,
Nanah those all the chores in this house and the only reason I'm agreeing to this is because my mum speak to me, the maid will come today but she's leaving after you put the birth,
Go and dish my breakfast I will be late for my flight."Abubakar say coming down the stairs.

He's beginning to loss hope of Nanah ever showing up, he hate the fact that Nanah think she's so relevant in his life that he can't live without her,
Sure he missed Nanah,
She was the perfect lady for him but she's just too stubborn and have a massive ego beyond his imagination.

"Should i make the tea?"Fatima ask snapping him out of his thought and he hiss.

Fatima is like a burden to his life,
The fact that his mum love her alot doesn't help, he literally haven't achieve anything since they got married aside the pregnancy she's carrying, the door to the parlour open gaining both there attention as they both stare dumbstruck at the door.

Nanah stand by the door, she clearly wasn't expecting to see the two awake by this time knowing how Abu value his weekend sleep and Fatima laziness will never allow her to wake up as early as 8am in a Saturday morning.

"Sallamu'alaikum."Nanah say taking a deep breathe as she walk inside the house.

She have never been embarrassed her whole life, she hate it that she have to bring herself so low and bring down her self esteem to 0% all because of abubakar.

"What are you doing here?"Abubakar ask from where he's sitting and Nanah look up at him.

She glance at Fatima who's standing next to him with her bump before releasing a heavy breathe.

"I'm here to pick my credentials."Nanah say and abubakar snort.

"You know life would not always revolve around you Nanah,
You take yourself so important and think everyone else is insignificant and don't know what they are doing,
Life won't stop going on just because you leave an.......

"Abu I'm not here for you to preach for me,
The only reason i step my foot in this house is because of my important stuffs that are here,
I might not be significant to you but I have people that value me the way I am."Nanah say, she's trying so badly not to breakdown and she's very glad she listen to her mum advice and left her stuffs back home.

"You are rude and that won't take you anywhere in life,
You always put yourself before anyone which is nothing but a s sign of selfishness,
With or without you in my life I will be happy Nanah,
Beside meeting you in my life despite everything you did to me and i still foolishly and blindly marry you,
I'm a fool for not understanding that you don't deserve me one bit."Abu say and Nanah just head upstairs,
She enter her bedroom and breakdown she cry for as long as she can on that bed, before she sit upright looking around the bedroom,
A part of her is telling her to stay but there's a part of her that is telling her to leave since Abu doesn't need her, the bedroom door open and she look up quickly wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Abu how can you say all those mean things to me in front of that girl?*she say crying and abu give her a look of bewilderment.

As bad as he wants Nanah to stay he also want her to learn never to walk out of he matrimonial home even staying for as long as 3months,

"Here."Abu say and hand her the paper as Nanah feel her heart drop.

"What is it?"Nanah ask and Abu snort.

"I was going to bring it to you,
Nanah you left for three months which reasonable wife would do that ?
Not only that I don't have a single trust for you especially for the fact that you attended your Ex wedding without my concert,
It's just a single divorce,
You can stay for a while since you enjoy staying home,
Whenever I'm ok with you coming back i will let you know."Abu say as Nanah stare at him with her mouth wide open and puzzle.

"Abubakar."she call the name pronouncing every word in suprise and utmost shock.

She watch as he grab the black nylon on the bed and leave the bedroom, she still find it hard to believe that Abu will do something like this to her,
But as the saying goes, every story has an end and every journey have an end, perhaps her wait is over or it's the beginning of another hopeless wait.

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