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"sadiq when?
You said you will be back last two weeks it's been a month now,
You promised end of this year you will be back, what are you saying now?"khadijah say upset to her laptop screen.

"Nanah you are just been dramatic,
I didn't tell you i will be coming end of this year, I say maybe beside...........

When are we going to settle down?

I will be right back i need to do something."the laptop screen goes blank and khadijah sigh.

She doesn't even know if sadiq really love her anymore, they barely speak and whenever they try making conversation it always end up like this, it's a month to end of the year and if sadiq didn't show up as promised she's not very sure if her elder brother will listen to any excuse she will give she sigh and lay down on the bed.

By evening her mum sent her to run an errand in the market and on her way back a persistent black G-waggon keeps following the tricycle she's in until they arrived at there destination, she hand the tricycle man his money and grab the multiple black nylon from the tricycle and drop them on the floor.

"Excuse me."a voice say and she turn.

"What is it?"khadijah bark upset at the man in front of her.

"My name is A............

"I'm not interested in wanting to know you, look young man I'm engaged so don't waste your time on me I'm not those type of lady."khadijah say and grab the few nylon before entering the house slamming the gate shut in anger.

"What happened Kuma?"hajiya halima ask her sulking daughter as khadijah just drop the nylon on the kitchen island and begin removing the things inside making her mum to release a heavy breathe muttering to herself "Allah ya shirya"

"Where did you stop by?
Somebody cannot send you and you will come back immediately "she scold khairat who hand her the money.

"Hajiya Amina say she will send the money later,
Ya Nanah someone is calling you outside."khairat say and there mum glance at khadijah who's washing the goat meat without a care.

"Nanah didn't you..........

"Mummy please,
Ke what did i tell.........

"Sorry ya Nana I thought you know him."khairat say quickly not wanting her elder sisters problem.

"Won't you go?
Nanah atleast hear that man out,
Isn't it better than the nonexistent relationship you are hoping it will work out with this stupid sadiq guy."hajiya halima say and khadijah feel the anger in her accumulating,
The frustration sadiq has been putting her through to the annoying man they say waiting for her outside just makes her angerier,
ready for an outburst, she grab her veil from the kitchen door and storm outside.

"I.....the young man try saying but khadijah just land a slap on his cheek.

"Is this your father's house?
Are you a witch?
Didn't i told you i have a husband already, leave."she say upset as the man give her a confuse look and enter his car.

Khadija release a heavy breathe to calm herself before entering the house.

"Mummy i swear she slapped him."she hear her junior sister voice from the kitchen and she shake her head already knowing how to handle the 20years old girl.

How can you even do that?
Humiliating people is not good because you never know when you will cross path with them again a.......

Khadija storm out of the kitchen and head to her bedroom, she close the door behind her and lay on the bed with a sigh before breaking down out of frustration, she grab her phone from the bed and scroll through it dialing Sadiq contact, not suprise that he didn't pick, she sigh and sit upright wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she ended up crying herself to sleep and is awaken by the knock on her door.

"Dijah "the familiar voice call making her to sit upright as a yawn escape her mouth.

"Jidderh."khadijah call with a sigh as the young girl sigh.

"The one and only Mrs sadiq."jidderh say and khadijah smile weakly at her.

"How are you?
Didn't you go to work today?"khadijah ask and jidderh shrug.

Mujahid say he's coming today I took the day off and he call that until next week."jidderh explain and khadijah sigh.

Jidderh is her friend and what makes them close the more is the fact that they are both waiting for love, a love that they know will either disappoint them at the end or make them happy, for khadijah she do say jidderh case is alot hopeful since mujahid make a formal introduction which was 2years ago, her parents are also tired and ask her to find someone reasonable but jidderh is also adamant about waiting for mujahid who's doing his medical course in Ukraine.

"Zakiyya's wedding date has been fixed,
Next month ending."jidderh say with a sigh and lay on the bed.

"Wlh sometimes i feel like everyone is right about mujahid, it's been 6years for God sake, it's not that he's not working, he's working but To marry me have become a problem."jidderh say tiredly and khadijah just sigh.

"JD isn't your own better?
Atleast mujahid makes a formal introduction, sadiq case i honestly don't know what to say, ya khalil has already say if by December sadiq didn't make any effort i will have to forget about him, the last time we spoke sadiq said he will come by December, "yanzu November "once I bring up the topic sadiq started to bring excuses, I'm tired wlh"khadijah say and jidderh sigh.

"Sometimes i ask myself why am still in this relationship wlh,
I'm not benefitting anything from it,
I just hope by next week mujahid will come, Nanah I'm tired I have already make up my mind if he comes i will ask him where this relationship stands because I'm not getting any younger, small small children are getting married everyday."jidderh say and khadijah sigh.

"Khairat is also getting married,
If not because of me she would have been probably be pregnant yanzu,
Anything January she will be married and I'm here "waiting for sadiq"
As do he charm me."khadijah say and jidderh chuckle.

The two continue talking mostly about there complicated nonexistent relationship, it's until after Isha prayer that jidderh leave and khadijah retired back to her bedroom trying to reach out to sadiq so they can talk about his possibility of coming by next month.

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