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"Nanah babu kyau fah wulakanta Dan Adam,
You don't know what the future have in store for you,
This boy doesn't deserve this humiliation and disrespect,
Jidderh better talk to her,
She's your friend maybe she will listen to you since I'm too small."Hajiya Halima say and leave the bedroom as jidderh give khadijah a certain tiring look.

If this boy is serious why won't you just give him a chance,
This old man will not benefit anything for you,
I under your pain an

Nobody understand my frustration, nobody,
I don't love this guy,
Is it by force ?
Are you still going to do make up or not?"khadijah say changing the conversation and jidderh sigh, she have her own problem to deal with khadijah own might seem a little bit not serious.

"Let's go."jidderh say and the two stand up at once, the leave the house in jidderh car and head for the make up studio.


"Is it that you didn't meet the right girl or you cannot find the right match for you,
Abu you are in your late 30's you are the only single male in this family even your junior ones have marry some are even expecting there second child,
You are here working,
Who are you earning the money for if you won't start a family?"a middle age lady say dishing the food on the plate.

"Mummy Allah ya kawo nagari."abubakar say, his conversation with everyone in his family always revolve around him finding a girl for himself his mum even try doing the match making thing but it didn't work with him, now that he found a girl he's interested in he just find every girl his mum introduce to him annoying despite how Nanah ignore him somehow he just cannot get rid of her in his head.

"Toh anytime you are ready to settle down let me know,
If you want a decent girl I know alot of them, they will take care of you and you will be happy baba-na."she say and abubakar smile.

He spend the evening with his mum until after Isha prayer he let her know he's going to a colleague wedding dinner before he leave,
Abubakar have a healthy relationship with his parent, his mum most especially because she's the one usually at home so he spend the little time he spend away from work with her, whenever his dad is in town he join them to, he's an only child but his parents didn't pampered him they guide him through and even clogged him while growing up whenever he did something wrong.


Khadija pov

Which kind of dry wedding is this,
Abeg let's do and go home, I even have work tomorrow."I say and jidderh sigh.

"Nanah we just got here,
Let's spend even do is 1hour then i will drop you off at home,
Isn't that sadiq?"jidderh say pointing to one of the many men in the groomsmen side and i nod, as if he notice our eyes meet and i quickly avert my gaze to the table.

"Please let's do and go,
I don't even know why i agreed to follow you in the first place."I grumble and stand up from the table.

"Because of sadiq,
You get wahala Nanah."jidderh say and ignore her.

I decide to go out to receive some fresh air, I honestly don't care about sadiq or what he do,
My only regret in this life is knowing him in the first place.

"Nanah."a voice call and quickly turn.

"What do you want?"I say upset, this abubakar guy have become something i can't get rid of, the guy persistent irritate me to the bone.

"I just want to say hi,
How are..........

"Please Abubakar,
Is it by force to love,
I said i don't love you,
Stay away from me, stop stalking me."I say and he sigh.

What did i do to you for you to hate me this much,
I don't know what is it that i remind you of but I'm abubakar not that person,
I care about you,
I love you and all i want is for you to love me back."he say as politely as ever and i hiss.

"Toh Romeo,
You can leave now."I say and he sigh,
My eyes wander around the event area and I spot sadiq with a very beautiful lady who i presume to be his wife,
He's whisper in her ears and they are smiling at whatever, it sent an overwhelming emotional pain inside of me.

"Na.......I don't let abubakar say whatever it is he want to say i slap him.

He have a look of confusion and suprise on his face as he stare at me with his hand on his cheek.

"Leave me alone,
Stay away from me, or
Did i look like all those pathetic cheap  ladies to you that you will want to take advantage of,
I hate you, I don't love you,
Can't you get it."I say and he smile weakly at me.

"I get it now Nanah,
Today, this very night insha Allah will be the last time you will see or hear from me, I promise,
But, one last thing.
Not all men are thesame and sometimes a good heart and attitude is all you need to be happy,
You are not the type of lady i will want to even spend my life with,
You are just too rude and i don't know,
You deserve whatever you've been through."he say and i try my best not to break, it's the most mean thing someone have ever say to me, a guy precisely, I watch as he walk back to the event hall, until he disappear into the crowd before i breakdown.

That evening it's going to the beginning of my misery, it's a start of my karma, it's a start of my own story.

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