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"Nanah are you not eating the food?"hajiya Halima ask as khadijah glance at the plate of moi,moi with vegetables coleslaw with a sigh.

Why is this happening to me?"Nanah say with a sigh, she's been trying to see abubakar but all effort failed.

"Nanah exercise some sabr,
And stop blaming yourself for everything,
Abubakar is going through a rough pace he will come around."her mum say and khadijah shake her head.

"Mummy he's leaving tomorrow and he doesn't even allow me to see or atleast talk to him,
I slept outside the room 2days ago isn't that enough for him to know that I'm sorry."Nanah say with a sniff and her mum slightly side hug her with a weak smile.

"It's going to be fine soon."hajiya halima say and Nanah shake her head.

"It's going to get worst mum,
This is all my fault,
Abubakar doesn't deserve any of this,
What if they amputate his leg?
Do you think he will still want to be with me after all i did?"Nanah say and her mum sigh.

"How about we go check on him in the hospital again?"her mum suggest and Nanah nod quickly standing up making her mum to chuckle.

"Let's pray asr and go see him,
Since today is his last day in the hospital he might want to see you."her mum say and Nanah nod.

Hajiya halima watch as her daughter saunter to the bedroom and she release a tiring breathe, she feel bad for Nanah, ever since abubakar snapped at her and send her out of his Hospital room nothing changes, Nanah isn't one to quit trying but no matter how she try all effort seems in vain.

"Baba-na why are you acting like this?
Nanah wronged you but she isn't to be blamed for whatever going on in your life,
This girl spend the night outside this room 5days ago,
What if someone did this to your sister?

"Mummy what's with this sudden interest you have towards this girl,
She's rude if not for her I wouldn't be in this situation,
I should have listen to you and marry ramlat I would be happy now and obviously all this would not have happened to me."abubakar say bitterly and his mum sigh.

"Atleast let her see you since you are leaving tomorrow andfor the sake of her mum."his mum say and Abubakar sigh.

Standing by the hospital room nervously khadijah wait, her mum leave to check on a friend in the other ward in the hospital, she enter the room but as always abubakar sent her out.

"Nanah."his mum call and she look up abruptly.
"You can go in,
Ignore whatever he will say, everything will be fine soon right?"his mum say and khadijah nod, abubakar mum leave and she open the door nervously.

"Sallamu'alaikum."Nanah say opening the door and abubakar look up at her.

If it was before this he will be jubilating in happiness with the way khadijah shows interest in him but now all doesn't matter to him, he just want to be healthy, if by any chance they amputate his leg he's not very sure if he can survive.

"Abu....."Nanah call it's almost like a whisper and abubakar just have a blank stare at her.

"I'm sorry,
i know there are alot of women.......

"Nanah what are you trying to prove now?
You are an ingrate,
You don't treat people with respect,
Now you want to show some empty empathy toward me because I'm in this situation."he say and Nanah shake her head.

I love you,
By Allah i can do anything to be with you,
I don't mind at all I just want you to forgive me and give me a second chance."Nanah say and Abubakar shake his head.

"You are complicated "he say with a snort and pick the glass of water by the bed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."abubakar say and gulp down the water as khadijah stare at him, he drop the cup with a sigh and adjust the collar of his t-shirt.

"To be honest with you,
Now I don't know what i even see in you,
You are rude, disrespectful and just......you don't deserve any second chance Nanah, I will rather not complicate my life now by adding you to my problems.

"Abu I'm sorry."Nanah say kneeling on the floor making him to look at her suprise.

"I......you don't have to love me back just give me a chance to prove my love for you is worthy of it and that I truly love you."Nanah say and abubakar stare at her for a while.

"Will you wait for me?"the he ask and khadijah stare at him flicking her tears with her index fingers.

"I will wait for you if that's what it takes,
Abu i will marry you wether you have your legs or not,
that's least of what i want in a man a......

Waiting for me doesn't mean things will be like before,
I'm going to stay for as long as i get better,
Can you wait that long?
There's no guarantee that i will even feel thesame way i used to felt about you."abubakar say and khadijah stare intensely at him before noding.

If she can wait for sadiq that long even without him making any sacrifices for her then she will wait for Abubakar for as long as she can.

"I will wait for you sadiq."she say and the abubakar shake his head with a shrug.

"If you say so Nanah,
You do realise I'm not forcing you to do this and that whatever happened in the future you will not blamed me for any of this."abubakar say and Nanah nod.

"I will wait for you."Nanah say and abubakar shrug.

The two stay in silence abubakar thinking about how his life will be if they amputate his leg and Nanah thinking about if waiting for Abubakar is the right decision.

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