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Yesterday i received a call from Abubakar mum, we talked for a very long time, she told me about abubakar health and how he's healing and that everything is moving as they've prayed for and that by the grace of Almighty abubakar will start his physiotherapy by the end of the month, she said she will love it if i will be present to see him take his first step, she offered to pay for my flight but i decline but assure her i will be there insha Allah,
My relationship with Abubakar is a nonexistent one the only thing keeping my hope alive is his mum encouraging word
"Nanah Abubakar lovey you, I know my son very well, he's never loved someone the way he loved you" she could say,
It's exactly 10months since abubakar left this country, with the two months he spend in the hospital it's exactly a year with some few days since he got into that accident,
365 days of waiting for him.

"Nanah your delivery guy is here."my mum say snapping me out of my daydream and i look up with a sigh.

I quickly  remove the 5 shawarma from the oven and wrapped them in the foil paper before putting it in the paper bag, I grab the already ready paperbags from the kitchen island and quickly saunter out of the kitchen and meet the delivery boy waiting.

"Abdul here it is,
I send you the address right?"I ask and he nod.

"Toh hurry up please,
I know you very well."I say jokingly and he collect the paper bags.

I sigh and head back inside with a sigh, I started this small chop business, I'm also doing my lab work, I just want to save as much money as i can so by the end of this month i can go see abubakar, even do my mum offered to pay but i decline i want to do this by myself, I just hope abubakar will pay attention to me.

"Nanah your phone is Ringing."my mum say, I enter the kitchen and collect the phone from her.

I glance at the name and drop it back on the kitchen island as i continue doing my work around the kitchen.

"Nanah."my mum call and i humm in response, I already know where this conversation is heading to.

"What did you want in life?
Sadiq have realized his mistake,
Why don't you just give him a chance,
This abubakar you are waiting fo........

"Ummah i don't love sadiq,
I have told him time without number,
I used to love him but not anymore,
I have someone i love and it doesn't matter if abubakar say whatever, I'm going to wait until he comes back,
If he comes back and still doesn't want to be with me then fine,
I know i keep my promised of saying i will wait for him, but Right now I'm not interested in indulging into another relationship."I say and my mum keep quiet probably not wanting to prolong the conversation.

"May the Almighty choose what's best for you Nanah."she say and i mutter Ameen.

I know my mum is worried I'm not getting any younger but everything in life has been planned by the almighty and I'm sure someday i will marry my dream man.

We talk for a while which is mostly about khairat pregnancy until around midnight before we both go to our seperate rooms.


waiting for sadiq Where stories live. Discover now