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Today I wake up very early because luqman told me that he's coming to have breakfast with me, I don't knkw wether we are going out to eat breakfast or he's eating at home with me but nonetheless I'm preparing something for breakfast, I make sure i rearrange and clean everywhere in the house put some turaren wuta before start cooking, I have been in this kitchen since after subhi prayer and it's few minutes past 8 am I'm rounding up with my cooking, my mum left early this morning something about getting her fabrics from the park and whatsoever,
The doorbell rings and i smile excitedly,
I haven't shower yet tho luqman and waking up early, the man is always not against time, I quickly exit the kitchen and open the parlour door with a smile and stand dumbstruck.

I try closing the door but he quickly put his leg to prevent it from shutting making me to sigh and look up.

"What is it Abubakar?"I say stepping out and closing the door,
I'm certainly not allowing him in,
I don't have a single trust in him as for now.

"Can't i atleast come in?"he say staring at me and i shake my head adjusting the veil on my head uncomfortably,
I'm wearing my polka dotted pyjamas and i have the apron around me so it's fine for now.

"Just say whatever you want."I say and look up at him before looking down again, he release a heavy breathe and sigh.

"Nanah why will you go and marry my stepfather?
After all i have done to you,
You were the one that choose to walk out of that marriage not me,
So why are you trying to rub it off my face by marrying him,
This man is like a father to me,
He's old enough to be your own father ,
What benefit will you gain by doing all of this?"Abubakar say and i look at him suprisely.

"Rub it on your face?
Abubakar please my morning was perfect until you come and had it been i know you where the one standing here I wouldn't have even bother to come out,
Firstly i don't owe you any explanation,
I married luqman because i love him,
I don't even know he's your stepfather,
As old and what as you claim he is he's better than you and certainly knows how to treat a woman right than your so-called young self,
I respect you Abu so please don't let the respect i have for you to fade away,
Respect my boundaries and avoid me please,
I left that marriage because you left me with no choice,
You have your wife and family so let me try to build mine."I say and grab the door handle but Abu quickly grab me by the hand and i didn't even think twice before turning and giving him a very sound slap on his cheek.

"Don't you ever."I say pointing at him with my finger.
"If you want to ruin my marriage then sorry for you because this stunt won't work,
Leave this house instantly or wlh i won't hesitate to call your step dad."I say and just like that the gate open and luqman walk in.

He have a look of curiosity on his face as he walk to the front porch, I hug him and kiss him on the cheek before collecting the white nylon that's on his hand.

"Good morning mine."I greet and he smile at me before looking confuse at Abu who's still standing like a zombie that's been drained on the rain.

"Good morning abbah."he greet and luqman look at me and i shake my head at him.

What are you doing here this early morning?"he ask and Abu clear his throat.

"Her mum gave me some stuffs to drop it off that's why."he lie and i shake my head pathetically at him because I'm 100% sure I'm going to tell luqman the truth when we get inside, I am building a marriage based on trust and I'm not going to start lieing to my husband because of a self centered Ex that doesn't even appreciate me when we were together.

You can come have breakfast with us,
Come in."luqman say and i open the door enter letting luqman to enter first before I trail behind him.

"How was your night?"I ask luqman with a smile as we walk inside the parlour.

"It was fine just that I'm now used to sleeping next to you and you weren't there."luqman say as he sit on the couch, I glance at abubakar who's sitting on one of the couch his gaze in the floor before shaking my head.

"I'm already done cooking,
But i haven't bath,
I will just shower and come out."I say and luqman shrug.

"Abubakar will keep me company."he say and i glance at Abu.

"Was thinking he will need some privacy and we will go inside,
Anyway it's fine,
Let the father and son bond be bonded."I say and head to the kitchen first,
I drop the white nylon and head to my bedroom to get ready for the morning.


Throughout the breakfast there's just this gloomy looks on abubakar face, Nanah doesn't even care because she just focus on doing what she love doing beat which is taking care of her husband,
She could see the pain in abubakar face but she doesn't care, life they say is a process and what is invaluable to you might be valuable to another person,
Happiness is a choice and no matter how irrelevant someone makes you feel if you believe you deserve better you will find that one person that appreciate you just the way you are.

"Abbah i will just get going."abubakar say halfway through the course of the breakfast gaining our attention,
I look down at the plate of his food and back to him before shaking my head.

"You didn't even eat anything,
Maybe you should take it home and eat?"luqman suggest and abubakar decline.

He just want to see himself away from Nanah and his stepdad,
He's the only one that can explain the pain and trauma he's going through,
Memories of the beautiful time they've once shared with Nanah surfaces his head and he just try to push them back,

Nanah could see it,
The pain and frustration is clear in abubakar face and she feel really sorry for him, she hope he will also find the kind of happiness he's been yearning for just like the almighty blessed her with luqman.

"I have a court hearing by 10."Abu say and luqman nod, his wife didn't mention anything about Abu been in some problem let alone court hearing.

All the best."luqman say and Abu leave.

The two continue there breakfast talking, Nanah tell luqman what actually brought abubakar this morning and what he said to her, luqman was upset at first and even want to call abubakar but nanah stop him, reassuring him none of that is worth it and they will soon leave so they should just try and maintain a healthy relationship with everyone,
Luqman leave after breakfast promising Nanah he will come and pick her to have lunch at basira's place.

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