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The next day Nanah decide she will speak to Abu regarding her business capital, he seems pretty much occupy and busy which is mostly him answering random calls about his wedding preparations.

"Forward me the account number please.'He say Making Nanah to glance at him from where she's standing by the dining table clearing the table.

"Abu can we talk?"Nanah ask walking to the parlour and he humm in response with his attention on the phone, he's still upset about the egusi soup incidence from yesterday.

"You haven't say anything regarding the business capital you've promised."Nanah say and abu release a heavy tiring breathe and turn to Nanah.

"Nanah my wedding is next tomorrow,
Can't we talk about this after the wedding,
I have stuffs to do with money,
I have been spending alot because of this wedding."Abu say and Nanah stare baffle at him.

"How's that my concern?
Abu you promised to give me a capital to start something if I quit my job,
I have already come up with a business I want to do,
Give me money."Nanah say and abu stare blankly at her.

"I honestly don't have money for now to give you,
If you can wait after the wedding then fine beside all this year's you've been working haven't you save enough money to start something?
Why is it so necessary for me to give you money."he say with a care and stand up and Nanah look at him suprisely.

"Abu what's all this nonsense about?
What happened to the I'm marrying her as my "surrogate wife" and will divorce her once she put to bed?
Because you've seen small girl now you are acting like a foolish Romeo from a television series,
I don't have problem with you marrying a second wife but don't disrespect me because of that."Nanah say and Abu stare at her before he facepalm.

"Nanah i don't want to fight with you now,
Beside Islamically what we are trying to do is wrong, this surrogate thing and even the planned divorce a........

Don't you dare give me that crappy excuse Abu,
You know what your problems is?
It's that you men are all thesame,
First you act like you genuinely love someone and then once you get tired of that person instead of just freeing them you prefer to take advantage of them,
You are no different an......

"Nanah don't compare me with that lowlife full of an Ex of yours,
What have I gained from you since the day i set my eyes on you and fall in love with you aside humiliation?
The past is the past let's not speak about it because all the emotional,psychological and physical damaged I have suffered all in the name of love the memories are still there and I will let you know it still hurt because my leg still hurt until this day and the scars are prominently there."Abu yell and Nanah stare at him speechless.

"You are still same Nanah,
Old habits die hard, you always put yourself before everyone which is where failed as a lady,
Excuse me."abubakar say and walk pass her as Nanah stare at him in baffle until he exit the parlour, she sit on the couch in the parlour confuse, reminiscing about her life and she breakdown.


Nanah's POV

Since our argument yesterday with Abu we haven't say a word to each other, with his wedding tomorrow, I decide to take myself out and spend some quality time by myself, I need an alone time and not just that I want to buy something special for Abu so we can settle our differences this evening before his new wife comes tomorrow.

Pushing the cart with a sigh someone call my name behind and i turn suprise to see sadiq.

"Hey."he say and i nod, he's wearing a white T-shirt and a black denim jean.

"Hi."I say and continue pushing my cart throwing the necessary things I will need as sadiq walk next to me.

"Soo.....he say and i turn my gaze to him knowing he want to start a conversation.
"Your husband is getting married again?"sadiq say and i nod.

"Yes and so?
Is not a crime socially and Islamically,.every man is entitled polygamy if he want to ."I say defensively and sadiq raise his hands up in surrender.

"I just want to confirm."he say and i did answer him as i stop by the cologne aisle looking at them in alert interest.

"But are you happy?"sadiq ask and Nanah glance at him.

"I have been happy since the day you walk out of my life,
Sadiq you don't have any right to question me anything about my life,
I'm not even supposed to be speaking to you."I say and the anger inside my voice is visibly clear because I can see how his brow furrow probably confused by my outburst.

I thought we've already sort our differences Nanah."he say and i hiss.

"We do but will it take back what you did to me?"I ask turning to face him and he shake his head.

"It won't but.....

"Exactly Abu,
So do me a favor and stop acting all nice with me,
You and i are two different people,
I'm happily married and you are still singl....

"Happily married?"he say with snort and shake his head.
"It takes just a single glance and everyone can read the depression on your face,
Come on Nanah,
You even quit your job.
You of all people quitting your job that doesn't even make any sense to me,
Look at you?
You've loss weight and you see this."he say pointing at the heavy eyebags under my eyes.
"Happy Nanah will never have them,
I wasn't always there when we dated but i know the dije i fall in love with,
You are even putting on niqab now."he say pointing to the black niqab i flip up before entering the mall.

"I don't have time for this nonsense."I say and decide to even leave the mall,
I storm out of the mall and decide to drive to my mum house, a motherly love is the only thing that can get rid of the frustration I'm in now,
But the drive isn't as smooth as i expected it to be, with my mind clouded and wandering around i ran into the redlight and crash into the car in my front.

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