63: A Sucker For Love~

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Massive Fluff ahead. <3

'Okay. Wow. That makes me sound a little thirsty.'
It's been a little while since this happened, But you felt Moons tongue once again.

You pull away after a couple seconds. Taking in a few breaths, before saying, "You know, You are either impossible to read, or obviously horny." You pause for a moment. "Wait. How the actual hell, do you know anything... well, Dirty at all."

He stared at you for a second, Then began to grin. "What can I say, We think of you quite often

Okay. Wow. That caught you a tad off guard.
"You.. Cunning flirt." You teased, Pulling down Moons hat to cover his face. A smile spreading your face.

He pulls up the hat slightly. Revealing a soft smile on his face. Whirrrrrrr...
Before pulling you in, for a soft, kiss.

Wrapping his arms around your waist, he starts giving you small kisses on your neck. "I love you so much Y/n~" He purrs into your ear.

You held his face your hands. Which he practically melts into. You let out a dramatic gasp. "Woah Moon. I didn't know you were... Sappy~?"
He looks at you in shock. Then, Lightly grabs your wrists, Pulling them away from his face.

Then pulling you into an embrace. "Shut. Up." He grumbles. Yet, Still remains awfully cuddly.

You let out a deep exhale, and relax into his hold. Listening intently, to the sounds of his mechanical systems.

Your eyelids felt heavy. You could sleep like this. But, at the same time, just taking this rare chance to relax, awake. Made you feel loved.

And giddy.
You could feel your heart starting to pound, as blush rose to your cheeks, and butterflies filled your stomach.

You were definitely in love with these two. No escaping from that.
But then you remembered...

'Joel. That.... Shit. He kept me away for 6 months. 6 fucking months. I bet... If he wasn't so... jealous. I bet I would have an even better relationship with everyone! Me staying away that long... definitely, broke at least a bit of their trust.'

Anger just began to bubble up. Then completely faded, when you heard the soft humming of Moon. Made you fall back into your.. original trance.

You let out a sigh. "You know I love you both Moon, Right?"
He froze for a second. "...Yeah...?"
"I just... I wish I could be by you both. I do love these Moments where it's just the two of us! And I know eclipse is both of you.. But eclipse is only here when there's a glitch in the lights!" You sucked in air through you teeth.

"We can split if you'd like Y/n...."

You shot up. Holding Moon by his shoulders. "YOU CAN?!"
"Yeah... It's something Maddie gave us a little bit back... But- We don't like to."
"Why not..?" You let your grip lighten.

"It wastes more battery, We'd get in.. arguments... And, I'm not too fond of being around when the lights are too bright." He said the word, 'Arguments' with uncertainty.

"Oh. That's.. fine."
"If you want us to however.... We'd be more then happy to."
"Well.. I would! But if you guys don't want to... that's okay aswell!"

"It's... Alright. We don't need to stay separated forever anyways. We can conjoin again at the end of the day." Saying that he stands up. And you stood up in response, going over to the bed, and sitting down, Right on its edge.

"Could you..." Moon hesitated. "Look away? The process is quite.. Embarrassing."
You quickly nod. Covering your eyes with a hand.

You hear a few mechanical noises, followed by, A whine, from.. Sun. "ITS SO DARK! I can't see anything!"
"Learn how to deal with it. Bitch."
"Moon! Watch your Language!"

You take in a deep breath. "Could I- Look now?"
Instead of getting a response, Moon gently pulls your hand away from your face.
"Y/n? Is that you? It must be! Where are you?" Sun out stretched his arms.

You could see, pretty well. Given the fact that, your vision adjusted to the dark. But these are robots, so Sunny probably couldn't do that.

"Suns Vision is like a phone camera. Without the flashlight option." Moon deadpans.
"I WAS NEVER MADE TO HANDLE THE DARK!! How about YOU try seeing with the lights on?!"
"Are you slow? I can see perfectly fine in the light aswell. You are the only person here who can't see shit with the lights off." Moon replied.

The next thing you knew, you heard a, 'THUD!', And you look over, Sun tripped on a box. He sat up with a whimper.

You smile. Standing up and going over to Sun. "You good there Buddy?"
"Y/NNnn! WHERe are yooouuu?!" He opened up his arms and pouted.

You crawled into his lap, giving him a hug. "I'm right here Sunny~"
He hugs you back tightly. "Lights off is kinda scary... MOON! Get over here!!"
"What do you want?" Moon said, sounding annoyed.

"Your eyes are the only light source! And I can't see anything unless you're around!!"
"Fuck off." Moon closed his eyes. Finding his way to you, and hugging you from behind.

"That's not fair!" Sun whines.
"Deal with it. Coward." Moon tiredly grumbles.

(I'm glad I can see- Because otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this. 😰)

(And don't you DARE hit me with, "I'm 100% blind." I know that's a lie. I mean- Come On.)

>: DDD

•𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜• 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝕊𝕦𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now