Chapter 3

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After dropping off Eddie I drive over to robins house and pick her up.

"You were supposed to get me at noon" she says to me annoyed.

"Sorry I lost track of time" I groan at her and begin driving towards Steve house to pick him up as well.

"Doing what?" She asks.

"I was at my chill spot and ran into someone that's all" I answer her and turn into Steve's driveway.

"Who's this someone? Because if you don't really know them they could me some psycho or someone who likes to eat and kill people because that's just- you just need to be careful-"

"You're rambling again. And yes I know the person. It was just Eddie" I confess.

"Eddie? Eddie Munson?"

"The one who's in hellfire. With Dustin and Mike? He's like tall and wears that cool vest?"

"Ohhh" she says smirking.

"Robin. That's like the second time we've ever talked with each other-" I start but Steve opens up the door cutting me off.

"You took forever" he huffs.

"Yes I know. Sorry"

"Y/n was with Eddie Munson" Robin spits out and turns to look Steve.

"Lair" Steve whispers. Robin nods her head.

"We ran into each other. Kinda" I mutter.


"I was at the chill spot and he was there" I shrug. "Do you guys wanna stop here?" I ask when as come up to a local liquor store.


"Yes. Don't change the subject y/n" Steve says.

"Oh my god. Robin. Why would you even say anything it wasn't even that big of a deal"

"You know I can't keep anything in and I just start rambling I'm sorry Steve just shut up please you're obv-" Robin starts.

"You're rambling Robin" Steve mutters. I park and we get out and walk inside. We all grab some snacks, but in the car the conversation starts yet again.

"Do you like him?" Steve asks.

"What no! I just met him yesterday!"

I see Robin look at Steve. "I think it might be a good thing if you do like him. Especially after what happened with Tyler last year-"

"Why" I begin. "Do you have to bring up Tyler" I sigh. "He's gone Robin. It's not going to change"

After Tyler died last summer along with Billy everything changed. He was my best friend, he was my everything, but that all changed after he died. For the first few months it was hard. I wouldn't get up and do anything. I wouldn't even leave my room to eat or clean myself off.

Everyone would come and check up on me for a while until they eventually gave up I suppose, but I came around eventually. It's still hard sometimes but it's normal to me now. But who was hit even harder was max. After seeing billy sacrifice himself in front of everyone really took a toll on her and she never really recovered from it.

I try and talk to her sometimes but she's just so distant even when she's in front of you.

The rest of the drive was silent after that until we pulled up to my house. Once in my room the tension disappeared and the night started. Steve brought the new 'Chopping Mall' movie from his new job so we would watch it. We all laid sprawled out on my bed together.


The next morning me and Steve are laying besides each other and Robin is sprawled out on top of us. I groan and throw her legs off of me.

"Hey!" She mutters.

"You were on top of me!" I growl back. I walk over to me vanity and look at myself. My hair is knotted and all over the place and my pajama pants are twisted all the way around and I only have one sock on.

Steve was still out cold and Robin had fallen back to sleep. Her mouth was open and she was snoring.

I sigh and go downstairs. I see that Dustin has just woken up as well and is sitting at the kitchen counter with his head down.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Of course I am"

I open the fridge and pull out the pack of eggs and and frozen waffles. I make enough for Steve and Robin as well and make mine and Dustin's plates. As soon as I sit down the pair walk through the door.

"I did not! You just sleep weird" Robin says. It sounds like she's trying to defend herself.

"I woke up with you on top of me. You're the one who sleeps weird" Steve barks back while he rube his neck. I just laugh and tell them that there's eggs and waffles for them. We all eat and drop Steve off at work while Robin and I come back and finish an assignment together since school is tomorrow.

Robins mom picks her up a bit before dinner time which just leaves me and Dustin.

"Hey do you mind teaching me how DnD works?" I ask him.

"Why?" He says slowing turning his chair around to look at me.

"It just seems like a cool game" I shrug. He eyes me suspiciously for a moment but soon agrees and helps me create a character and name then teaches me what my character can do. It was actually quite fun.

"Thanks Dustin. That was fun"

"I told you" he grins at me. I shake my head and walk to my room.

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