Chapter 15

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"Mom where is all the old Christmas Decorations?" I ask her while we ate breakfast.

"They should be where all the holiday ones are" she answers. I nod and get up and walk to the garage to get the old boxes.

After getting ready and saying bye to mom, I put the boxes in my car and drive. Once I enter the trailer park I begin to feel that this is a bad idea. What if they didn't want to celebrate Christmas, but before I could stop myself I was already at the door about to knock.

Knock, knock, knock.

A few seconds later the door flings open and whom I'm assuming to be Eddie's uncle is standing in front of me. "Hi is- is Eddie here?"

"Yeah he is. Who are yo-" he starts but is cut off.

"Who is it- oh hey y/n what are you doing here?" I hear Eddie say. I look over Eddie's uncle and see Eddie standing there smiling.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. I'm sorry I should've called" I say embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it" he reassures me. "You don't mind if she comes in?" He asks turning to his uncle.

"No, not at all" he says and walks away. Eddie softly grabs my wrist and pulls me inside.

"I'm Wayne. Eddie's uncle" okay this is good he doesn't seem annoyed or angry.

"I'm y/n" I smile and we shake hands. He gives me a smile back and I go to sit with Eddie on the couch. I noticed that the house had stayed clean since the last time I was here. They must've been staying on top of it.

"So how'd you to meet?" Wayne asks from the kitchen.

"My brother plays DnD with Eddie" I answer.

Wayne chuckles lightly. "You don't seem the type Eddie would hang out with"

"Hey!" Eddie interrupts making me laugh.

"It's alright" I say.

"Well I think its time for me to go. It's almost four" Wayne says looking at his watch. He grabs his keys and leaves.

"Well he seems nice" I tell Eddie.

"Uh huh" Eddie says biting the inside of his cheeks.

"Anyways I got something for us to do" I smile and go back outside to my car and carry in the boxes.

"What the- hey I would've gotten those for you" Eddie sighs.

I roll my eyes playfully and set the boxes down. "Number one. Do you have an axe?"


After he had cut down the tree we carried it back to his trailer and inside. "You got a good one" I say taking a step back to look at it while it was on the tree holder.

"Thanks sweetheart" he grins. I turn and pull the boxes over tossing him a box of Christmas lights.

"Wrap those around the tree" I tell him and I get up and place other decorations around the house like stockings. While doing that I see the radio on the table and switch it on quietly and when I find the Christmas station I turn it up. Eddie turns around and eyes me.

"What it's Christmas time. We're literally decorating your trailer" I laugh. His shoulders shake with laughter and he turns back to putting the lights on the tree.

"Rockin around the Christmas tree" I sing along to music. "At the Christmas party hop"

Eddie gives me a crooked smile and I walk over to him and grab his hands and start to dance.

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