Chapter 22

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While walking through the halls one day, Eddie and I were holding hands as usual, but today he was swinging our arms which resulted in us hitting a teacher and spilling their coffee.

"Oh shit" me and Eddie both say to each other as soon as it happened. We just looked at each other and immediately ran down the hall as fast as possible.

"You're so stupid" I laugh punching his arm.

"It was an accident" he wheezed.

"Let's go I'm hungry" I roll my eyes playfully and we go to the cafeteria.

While we ate Johnny started talking to Eddie. "We're still on for the campaign tonight right?"

"I gotta ask the wife, hold on" and he turns to me. "We're not doing anything tonight right?"

I laugh "No, and even if we were I wouldn't stop you from doing you campaigns"

"Do you wanna come tonight?" He asks.

"Oh yeah! Y/n you're like level ten now" dustin chimes in.

"She's not bad either" Mike adds.

"So do you want to?" Eddie asks again.

"Yeah sure" I answer.


Here I was, sitting at the end of the table directly in front of Eddie. He was sitting in his throne and it was my turn.

"What are you gonna do Madame Munson?" He asks in a deep quiet voice, making me grin at the name I chose. Everyone stared intently at me.

"I'm gonna shoot the son of a bitch with my poisoned arrows!"

"Yeah!" Dustin yells. Jeff hands me the dice and I roll it. I don't look until I hear cheering.

"AN 18!" they scream.

"Is that enough to hit?" I ask Eddie very serious.

"It is. It took 40 damage" he grins at me proudly.

"WE JUST NEED 15 DAMAGE!" Dustin screams. Mike stands up while he shakes the dice.

"12!" Garett yells.

"YEAH WE KILLED THAT UGLY GIANT!" I scream at Mike and high-five him happily.


Me and Eddie waited until Nancy came and picked up the boys to leave. We went to his place to hang out, but instead, we laid in his bed entwined with each other as he read The Hobbit to me.

I'm in love with him istg;) and I like these little filler chapters with just Eddie and y/n do you guys?

To The End || EDDIE MUNSON x READER||Where stories live. Discover now