Chapter 39

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2 days later.

Eddie and I went to the police the day after and Explained to them how his Uncle Wayne and us had driven out of state to visit my grandma so they could meet her before her dementia could really start affecting her and they couldn't do anything about it since we pretty much had a an alibi and they couldn't question her because of her disability.

Did I feel bad? No.

The town was destroyed. Buildings had collapsed and homes were ruined. Things that Vecna had warned me about happened and it was terrifying. People had been missing since the "Earthquake" but it was obvious that most of them wouldn't be coming back.

Max was hurt  really bad. Most of her limbs were broken and it looked like she'd be blind if she ever woke up from her coma. Doctors said that she died for over a minute which stopped oxygen and blood from going to her brain.

Lucas would visit her all day since she was admitted and he'd read to her. It was so sad to watch. This young girl has been through so much in such a short amount of time.

Will, El, Jonathan, Mike and some other dude all showed up at Nancy's house which was insane. I guess that El got her powers back and she fought the FBI which sounded dangerous.

What was really a shocker was when we were fixing up Hoppers old cabin for max when a car pulled up.

"You guys!" Will said pointing it out. We all ran over to the window to see who it was.

The car was black and suspicious. "Do you think that's the fbi?" I ask.

"Get down!" Jonathan hisses when the car door opens. We all dunk under the window, out of sight. There was big stomps coming up the porch and I could practically hear my heart beating. When Eddie heard the footsteps he grabbed me and held me tightly and slowly moved himself in front of me.

The door swung open and a tall, thin man walked in along with a tiny women. They looked around the room until they saw us on the floor in the corner.

Then a laugh escaped from their lips and I instantly knew who It was. I pulled myself away from Eddie and ran to them first and they both grabbed onto my tightly.

"Oh my god, oh my god! What are you guys doing here?" I asked excitedly.

"Long story" Hopper said and I pulled myself away to look at him again. He laughed at me when I did. He was so skinny what happened to him. He should've been dead. I push myself away.

"'re dead, this isn't real" I chuckle nervously and take a few steps back. His face falls and Joyce comes up to me and grabs shoulders.

"Y/n it's really him trust me!" She says. I believed Joyce. That women wasn't capable of lying about something like this.

Suddenly everyone else jumped up and hugged them all. I remove myself and walk over to Eddie.

"Is that..?"

"Hopper" I finish for him.

"I thought he died"

"We all did" I say.

Everyone took a step away from hopper and he walked into El's room and we gave them privacy.

I turn to Eddie "Im so glad you didn't die" I say. "It just seemed so real" I whisper in his chest.

"Y/n I'm here with you right now" he says and pushes me away so I can look at him "I'm not leaving you I swear"

I nod, but Will pulls me away to look out the window to see that there is stuff falling from the sky. I look at him confused and grab Eddie's hand to take him outside and everyone follows until we get to a field.

It was horrible. There was dark clouds in the sky and huge cracks in the ground.

He did it.

I subconsciously moved closer to Eddie. All the land under the cloud and near the cracks was dead and I noticed that the things falling from the sky looked like the little particles in the upside down and my stomach dropped.

What are we going to do?

Oh wow, I'm so scared for next season!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. Thank you for the support xoxo


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