Chapter 6

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Over the rest of the weekend Mike, Dustin and I played DnD together to try and level up my character more and I got really into it which was a good reason right? I honestly had no idea why I wanted to learn to play DnD I just know wanted to.

"You're actually good. You should come play a game with us this week" Mike suggest.

"No, I think I should wait a little longer before I do that"

"Suit yourself" he mumble.


School this week went by as normal except for home room. Me and Eddie started to talk and pass notes on a Monday and by Tuesday we were walking with each other in the halls when Robin wasn't with me. Even though it's only been like two days, those moments always got interrupted by Andy asking me to sit with him during lunch or if I wanted to come to a basketball practice or to even just I think annoy me in general.

Robin began to notice by the end of the day and started to talk about it the whole ride home on Tuesday. I threatened her with talking about Vickie, her new crush who she was absolutely in love with.

"Don't worry about it Robin. She's definitely not fully straight...I think" I told her Wednesday morning when Steve drove us to school.

"Yeah robin. You like boobies, I like boobies, y/n likes Eddie, but that's just cause she has horrible taste-" Steve said.

"We started hanging out with each other a week ago! We are literally just friends!" I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah" Steve mumbles. "But Robin, seriously, don't sweat it. She's totally not fully straight"

Later that day in class, Eddie passed me a note which was a horrible drawing of Andy playing basketball, but with a turd in his hand instead of a ball.

As soon I saw it I let out a fit of laughter interrupting Mrs. White.

"Ms Henderson, is everything alright? Would you like to share with the class what's so funny?" When she said this I squeezed the drawing of Andy into my palm and coughed.

"No ma'am. Sorry" I apologize. I look back when I hear muffled laughter and see Eddie behind me with his head on the desk and his shoulders shaking. I roll my eyes and put his drawing in my folder. I began doing that on Monday and already had a ton. Eddie was quite good at drawing.


"When do you want me to pick you guys up?" I ask the two when the got out the car.

"You don't need too, Mikes mom is going to get us later" dustin calls back.

"Are you spending the night?"


"Says who? You never asked me!" I say to him.

"I asked mom" he rolls his eyes.

"Mom left two days ago on a business trip and she's not gonna be here till next week! How did you ask her?" I interrogate him.

"Before she left duh" he simply says.

"Alright. I love you! Be safe! Same for you Mike" I eye them both. They roll their eyes and I watch them walk inside the school for DnD since it's Friday.


"AHHH!" I scream and try and to move away from the car door.

"Calm down sweetheart" I hear Eddie's familiar voice laugh.


"Sorry my sister made us a bit late" Dustin sighs. Eddie looks around to see who said that and sees Dustin and Mike.

"I'll be right back" Eddie whispers to Gareth.

"Dude that the h-" but before Gareth could finish his sentence Eddie's out of sight and running to the school parking lot.

"Thank god" he whispers to himself when he sees y/n sitting in her car still and walks up to it.


"Calm down sweetheart" he tells me.

"You need to stop doing that Munson!" I groan and Eddie just laughs. "Whats are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be playing?"

"Yah, but they can wait" he chuckled.

"So what's up? Besides DnD tonight?" I ask him sincse it's only six o'clock.

"Nothing. I'll probably just go home and chill" he answers.

"Me too, since Dustin's gonna be at mikes later, my moms gonna be gone all week and robin is- I actually don't know what Robin is doing" I confess.

"Robin is very..."

"Open?" I finish.

"Yeah, she seems the type to just talk and talk during the worst situations" he laughs.

"She is, but that's why I love her" I smile.

"Eddie what are you doing! C'mon!" I hear someone yell. I notice silhouette standing by the school doors.

"Hold on man! I'm coming" Eddie turns around and shouts.

"Wait hold on!" I tell him. I open the console of my car and pull out a pack of gum throwing the piece inside of it into my mouth and a pen. I wrote my number on the gum wrapper and handed it to him. "Call me if you need anything, or just want to hang out. I'll probably be alone all weekend"

He gives me a cheeky grin and grabs the gum wrapper from my hand. "Thanks"

"You're welcome" I mummer and he jogs off back to the school and I leave.

At this point every interaction with Eddie and y/n is either at school or her car lol

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