Chapter 10

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I wake up by someone shaking my shoulders lightly.

"What" I groan and scratch my eyes, opening them. There I see Eddie.

"Sorry" he apologizes with a smile on his face.

"It's alright" I sit up and pull my blankets off me.

"I brought you some soup" Eddie says when we walk down the stairs.

"You did?" I smile. "You didn't need to"

"I know. But it's cold out and you have a concussion" he tries to reason. I shake my head lightly and sit at the table with him. He pulls out a bag and two containers sliding one over to me. "I got chicken for the both of us. I still don't really know what you like yet"

"Then ask me"

"Ask you what?"

"What you wanna know"

"Ok? Well what's you're favorite color?" He asks, taking a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"Easy, definitely y/f/c or wait- yeah no it's y/f/c" I chuckle.

"That's a nice one. Mines red, but like a deep red" he tells me. I take note on that. "Ok, favorite food?"

"Y/f/f. That one was easy" I answer.

"Favorite band? Or singer"


"Thats a good one. I know how to play one of their songs on my guitar" He explains.

"Ooh you should play some for me one day"

"That I will do" he winks. "What are your favorite animals?"


"Shit I forgot about dustin!" I say and drop my cards. Me and Eddie were playing card games.

"Then who's going to get him? My car is at school! He can't walk in the rain" I groan.

"He's fine" Eddie groans. "I'm just kidding. I'll get him" he says which brings a smile to my face.

"Thank you. For everything today" I say and give him a hug.

"Of course. I'll see you later" he looks down at me. I walk him out and wave by to as he drove off and I immediately went to the medicine cabinet and took three Advils and went into bed. But only ten minutes later dustin barges into my room.

"Why did Eddie pick me up?"

"Ugh. I have a concussion Dustin. No one else was able to drive me home but him and I asked him to get you since I cant drive. And my car is at school still" I forgot about that.

"Can you call Steve for me and ask if he can pick us up tomorrow" I ask dustin.

"Yes" he rolls his eyes. He walks over to my vanity and and call him.

"Hey Steve can you pick us up and drive us to school tomorrow- No her car is still at school. Because he got picked up today since she got a concussion- she fell so hard" he begins to laugh. "Are you serious? How- prick" Dustin groans.

"He's not getting us!?"

"No he has the early shift tomorrow again" dustin explains.

Well shit.

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