Chapter 28

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Yes I'm not talking about what happened last chapter LMAO

When I pulled up to the party and saw all the cars parked and the people everywhere I mentally cursed myself.

"Robin. You said a small party" I groan and lay my head on the steering wheel.

"You wouldn't have come is I said that it wasn't" Robin says.

"You're right I wouldn't. This huge party just to see Vickie?" I ask. Man she was really in love.

"Oh shut it 'Mrs I'm in a perfect relationship'" she rolls her eyes.

"You should just tell her Robin"

"No no no n-" Robin was cut off from a knock on the window making us turn to see. Steve was standing at my door waving. I give her one last look before stepping out the car.

"Did you know the party was this big?" I ask Steve.

"Everyone's been talking about it for like a week. You didn't hear about it?" He asks while we walk to the big house.

"I don't really care about school talk" I answer. Inside was filled with people all over each other. We all walk over to the kitchen where the drinks are.

"Shall we be stupid teenagers tonight?" I ask and down a cup of whatever was in the punch bowl.

"Don't do anything crazy y/n" Steve warns.

"Well we're already here" I shrug and fill my cup up again. "Why don't you guys go find Vickie?" I suggest.

"Even if we did Robin wouldn't even talk to her" Steve chuckled, making me laugh while Robin just rolled her eyes.

"She literally invited me here" Robin says annoyed.

"Then go look for her" I say and push Robin out the kitchen.

Steve disappears and I find a place to sit, but I'm interrupted when you guessed it, Andy stops in front of me.

"Wow, you seem pretty lonely. Want me to fix that?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes "Go take your annoying ass somewhere else Andy"

His eyes widen at my response but he doesn't back off. "Where's your weirdo boyfriend huh?"

"I don't know. Why you wanna get ur ass beat again?" This boy is going to start problems yet again. He looks around to see if anyone watching then bends his head down to me.

"You better watch your mouth Henderson" he warns me and I push myself off the couch making the horrible mistake of bumping into him and his cup spilling its red contents all over me. I don't even say anything, I just angrily storm off into a nearby bathroom to see what damage was done.

My whole outfit was stained and I was pissed. After I found Steve I told him that I would be leaving and Robin was his problem for the rest of the night.

When I got home Dustin and Mike were hanging out in the living room.

"What the hell happened to you?" Dustin asked with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"None of your business" I say and jump onto the couch for a break.

"Nice party?" Mike asks. I open my eyes to see him smirking like it was funny to see me with wet, stained clothing.

"It's must've been, I mean she wreaks of alcohol" Dustin says waving around his nose like it smelled.

I ignored their pestering and asked them what they were doing. "We we're board so we decided to start a new game" Dustin answers.

"I love your mom" I hear a familiar voice groan. I see Eddie with a brownie stuffed in his mouth and he's holding a plate of them. "Hey doll face" he tries to say when he sees me laying on the couch.

"Whats he doing here?" I ask the boys.

"He was our friend first" Dustin rolls his eyes. Well he wasn't wrong there. Eddie strolls over and lifts up my legs to sit down, then places them on top of his thighs.

"You smell like a bar" Eddie laughs looking at me.

I suddenly get up from the couch. "Well sorry that I smell so bad" I snap and the three of them look at me. I don't say anything else and walk to the bathroom and listen to them talk.

"I told her the same thing life five minutes ago" I hear Dustin say.

"She is not in a good mood" Mike adds.

"She's kinda scary" Eddie laughs. I tune out there conversation and turn on the shower, washing myself off then immediately brushing my teeth to get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth.

I change into my pajamas and ignore the boys and shut myself into my room, I was not in a good mood right now. A few minutes go by and mom knocks on my door before coming in with a brownie and a cup.

"Here honey" she smiles gently and sets them down on my nightstand. "Dustin said you weren't feeling good"

"Im okay, just tired is all" I tell her, not wanting to say what I did earlier.

"All right, we'll get some rest then" she points and walks away.

"Thank you mom" I call out to her and she gives me a smile then shuts the door behind her.


I'm woken up from Eddie holding me from behind and rubbing my arm. "What happened tonight huh?" He whispers in my ear.

"Nothing it's just stupid" I sigh and shake my head.

"If it was stupid then you wouldn't be in such a bad mood"

"Robin lied to me about the party, while I was there I was by myself, because Steve was talking to this new girl that I don't even know the name of and someone spilled their drink on me I'm just not in a good mood right now" I just wanted to sleep and wake up feeling better than I was right now, I hated feeling like this.

"Who spilled their drink on you" Eddie questions me, the tone of his voice changing.

"No one important" I shake my head.

"Well who's considered important?"

"People that I care about" This is why I didn't want to tell him, but now he's just going to interrogate me about this.

"So that would leave pretty much everyone besides your family and friends-"

"Duh. If Steve or Robin did it I wouldn't be as annoyed"

"Can you just tell m-"

"It was Andy. But it was my fault anyways since I bumped into him" Eddie's body tensed up.

"Why did you bumped into him?"

"Eddie I'm done talking about this"

I hear him sigh and he kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later"

"Bye Eds" I wave to him. I don't try to fall asleep until I hear his car start and drive off

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