Chapter 17

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At school while I was talking with Eddie outside of the school the first day back from winter break. Dustin came up to us. "What are you doing hanging out together" he says grossed out.

"Dustin. Robin and Steve aren't my only friends you know" I tell him.

"So you're telling me you two are friends"

Wow. I just outed myself.

"Yes dustin. Now leave us alone" I say and wave him off. He just stares at me with a his jaw wide open. "Dustin" I groan.

"Jesus" he whispers as he walks away. When I turn back to Eddie he just laughs and I sock his arm.

"Well now we can hang out at my place" I shrug.

"Yeah I guess your right" he smiles. Our conversation was interrupted when Andy walks over and hands me my moms container from when I gave him cookies.

"Oh thanks" I say.

"What are you doing hanging out with this freak?" He asks looking at Eddie.

"Andy! That was rude. And it's none of your business" I recoil back.

"Yeah man get outta here" Eddie says taking a step towards me.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Andy spits.

"Ok Andy you need to just go" I say to him and grab Eddie's arm, pulling him away, but I'm stopped from
Andy grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

"Don't touch me" I warn.

"He touched you!?" Eddie says taking a step forward.

"What are you gonna do about it freak?" Andy asks.

"You two are ridiculous" I say, but they don't listen to me.

"Touch her again and see" Eddie answers.


Soon Gareth and Jeff are walking over and so are Dustin and Mike.

"Oh yeah?" Andy asks and reaches and arm out for me, but Eddie pulls me back before he could touch me, which made me stumble over my feet.

"Look you almost made her fall" Andy says pointing at me which made Eddie turn to look at me, but when he did Andy hit him across the face and that's when all hell broke loose.

Eddie hissed in pain but didn't take a second to throw a punch back at Andy making him stumble back. He hesitated for a moment, looking like he was thinking about running or staying, but he made up his mind by running at Eddie, but he just moved out of the way and put his hand on the back of Andys head and pushed him forward so he fell and smacked his face on the ground.

When he stood up his nose was bleeding but that didn't stop him from lunging at Eddie. They both fell to the ground and were wrestling each other until Eddie got on top of Andy and started punching him. Gareth and Jeff pulled him off of Andy as soon as they got to us and Dustin immediately started asking what happened.

"This guys just a fucking prick" Eddie grunts wiping his cheek that was bleeding.

"He tripped y/n!" Andy protests making us all look at him.

"You lying son of a bitch!" I say and stomp over to him, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back.

"You're gonna tell me he didn't!" He yells.

"He didn't! You lair!"

"You're the lair here! You've lead me on for months!" Cmon he seriously wants to talk about this now?

"No I have not! I haven't hung out with you once! I only went to your basketball games because you begged me too! I'm clearly not interested in you!" I explain.

"Why because you've been sneaking around with this freak! Don't think no one has seen you guys around town!" He says pointing at Eddie.

"Because we're friends you idiot!"

"Don't make up excuses you whore!" He points at me.

"Don't call my sister that dickhead!" I heard Dustin demand.

"What the fuck did you just say!" Eddie asked enraged.

"You asshole!" Mike chimed in.

"Just ignore him you guys" I tell them all and turn around to walk back to the parking lot which thankfully they follow. When we get to our cars Eddie sits on the hood of his so I walk over to him.

"Eddie let me see" I say walking in between his legs and moving his hand from his face. I gently touch the cut that has now stopped bleeding. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" he grunts.

"That was badass and he deserved what he got" I smile.

"Yeah he was a dickhead"

"How can I make it up to you. It was my fault and don't say it wasn't" I ask him. He looks at me for moment.

"Go to dinner with me" 

"What- oh you want me to pay?"

"No you stupid. Go on a date with me" He explains.


I chuckle nervously. "You. Wanna go and a date with me?"

"I just asked you to" he laughs.

"Umm- yeah. That sounds cool" I say trying to not sound excited or nervous.

"Ok, we can talk about it more later" he grins.

"Yeah go clean and put some ice on that"


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