6. A dinner date

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Author's POV

''If you dont find it until the end of the next month, this woman will die.'' Lee rang said.
''What ?''
''You know im not joking.''

Y/n and Ji ah came running outside where Lee rang and Yeon were.

''I'll see you around.'' Lee rang says trying not to look at y/n and leaves in a car with Yuri.

''You... Who on earth are you people ?'' Ji ah asked yeon.
''Forget everything about me.'' Yeon said looking at Ji ah & Y/n erasing their memories. Little did he know his magic worked on neither of them.


I and Ji ah were sitting in her room since the living room was messed up thanks to some people.
Ji ah handed me a cup of coffee but I wanted answers. Im still thankful for the coffee tho.

''Are you alright ?''
''Care to explain what happened ?''
''After you told me about Soo young at the hospital, I started having doubts. So I digged a bit more. She had no defensive wounds on her body which is not normal in an accident. So I deliberately brought her home and asked the red head guy to come. But it turned out Soo young wasn't Soo young. Y/n, that guy can shape shift.''

Lee rang ? But how ? Is he even human ? He looked so different than when I saw him for the first time.

''Lee rang.'' I blurt out.
''What ?''
''That's what he told me his name was.''
''You've met him before ?'' Ji ah asked shocked.
''He was the one who saved me that day when I visited kim jisoo.''
''I don't think this is a coincidence y/n.''
''But why would he do that ? Why is he after me ? I dont even know him.''
''No. There must be something.''
''What if he met me because he wanted to know about you ?'' That's a possibility.
''I dont really think so. He seems to know about a lot of things.''
''Then what else could be it ?''
''Maybe we'll get to know tomorrow.''
''What ? How ?''
''I have something that can help. I'll come to you with answers.''

Next day,

Why hasn't dad called today ? As soon as I thought that my phone started ringing. It was dad. It was like he knew I was thinking about him.

''Hello dad !''
''Good morning, princess.''
''Good morning. How have you been ? Im sorry I couldn't call you often these days. I've been a bit busy lately.''
''I know, my daughter works really hard. But I have a good news for you.''
''Good news ?''
''Im coming to Seoul this weekend.''
''What ? Really ?!''
''Yes. I have some work in Korea so I thought of visiting you.''
''For how many days ?''
''For a few days.''
''Appa please, when you come this time please stay with me for a long time. We really need to spend time together. I have so much to tell you. Whenever you come you get busy with work.''
''Okay okay. I promise i'll finish my work quickly this time.'' He said chuckling.

At work,

I took a short break and walked my way to the cafe of my office with Do hwa. We took some coffee and strolled out a bit.

''Did you stay up all night ?''
''Yeah.... I was looking up things on the bus accident.'' Well it wasn't entirely false.
''Dont stress up.''
''Do hwa, what do you think about Lee rang ?''
''Why do you suddenly ask that ?''
''You said that there was something wrong with him last time. Why did you say so ?''
''I told that because y/n, you may or may not agree but I get a really wrong vibe from him. He doesn't feel trustworthy. He looks like 'he's up to something'.''
''Up to something ?''
''Yeah. I dont know what. Probably something illegal given his looks.''

''What's wrong with my good-looking face ?'' No. That voice.....

I & do hwa turn around to find Lee rang standing next to us.

Cruel Fate (Lee rang version)Where stories live. Discover now