7. Upside down

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Do hwa pulled out the passenger list and image. No way. This cant be true.

No how can this be true ?!

Author's POV

''This cant be true Do hwa. My dad wasn't supposed to come today. He will come this weekend. Please, believe me. There's something, no there must be something wrong with this. Ask the staff to recheck, they must have made a mistake.'' Y/n said panicking.
''Y/n.... I checked the list thrice. It is uncle..... He was on the flight from London to Seoul. There were a lot of casualties at the airport and a few... Died.'' Do hwa said hesitating.
''No. There must be something wrong. My dad isn't the only one with this name who could be travelling to Korea. Why am I even arguing, i'll call him. You'll believe me then.'' Y/n gets her phone and dials her dads phone.
But the number was said to be non reachable.

''Y/n......'' Do hwa said because he knew what was coming.
''I'll try again.'' Y/n was persistent. But in vain.

Do hwa gets a call.

''Hello, did you get anything ?''
''Yes, im sending you the image.'' The voice from the other end of the phone spoke.

Call ends.

''Y/n, I had asked detective baek to help us. He found something.''

Do hwa opens an image sent by detective baek and shows it to y/n.
A chill ran down through her spine and her face went pale.

''That's....... That's his watch...... That's appa's watch.... '' Y/n spoke, her voice breaking while trying to comprehend the situation. She didn't want any of it to be true.
''They haven't found a body, but they found his burnt clothes and belongings...... We need to go there and identify them.....'' Do hwa forced the words out of his mouth. He didnt wanted to see y/n like this.

But y/n was not in the state to understand things. Her mind and heart was filled with fear and denial. Fear that she would lose her father; her only family. And in denial that any of that is true. When Do hwa's voice brings her back.

''Y/n..... Please..... I dont want to make this anymore difficult for you.... Let's go.'' He said gently holding her hand. Y/n nods while a tear slides down her cheek thinking about her father.

Do hwa and y/n leave in his car leaving a helpless, confused, regretful Lee rang alone.

On the other hand,

Lee yeon rolls down a small bottle on the table.
''She had this.'' He said passing the bottle to Shin ju.
''My goodness, an anaesthetic ? She almost killed you.'' Shin ju said being dramatic.
''Will you sit down ? People are looking at us.''

''I'll make sure no one takes anything again. Btw why do you think her memory didn't get erased ?''
''Not only her, even y/n. Although I may have some contributing factors for her but I dont know about Ji ah. It's pretty rare but our powers dont work on some people. For example the female shamans in the past.''

''Well, how is Lee rang now that y/n's back ? I still cant understand how y/n came back. But im still happy.''
''Thats a mystery to me too. But it happened for the good. He will probably take time. I hope he mends his ways now that y/n's back.''

''But why'd you let Ji ah go ?''
''Rules are rules.''
''It's like we exist to repay people's kindness. How long do we need to stick to those old-fashioned rules ?''
''We give back what we receive. It's old fashioned but romantic. It shows a fox's dignity.''

''It's also a curse.''
''The bigger the debt, the more we lose control and become puppets.''
''Does she bother you.... Because she looks like Aeum ?''
''I've seen tons of people like her in the past hundreds of years. I watched them age and pass away. None of them were her.''
''How could the deities be so indifferent.'' Shin ju sobs dramatically.
''Shin ju, dont put on that face. It makes you look really ugly.'' Yeon teased him.

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