25. Find

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Author's POV

''What if we get hold of that man ?'' Yeon says to Ji ah.
''But how ?''
''We have someone that can serve as a link.'' Yeon says removing his buzzing phone which flashed Rang's name.

He receives the call,
''Why do you keep calling me ?''
''Did you not see the 22 missed calls I left you ?'' Rang fumed through the other end.
''Do you think im your girlfriend ? If I don't pick up just think im busy.'' Yeon heard someone giggling to his comment from the other end. It sounded like a girls laughter.
''We need to meet.''
''What are you scheming this time ?''
''I miss you that's all.'' Rang faked.
''Where are you ?''


Wow. He could be an actor at this rate.

''Thank you.'' He smirked. Can he read minds now ? Or am I too predictable ?

''No. I just know you that well.'' And I don't know how.
''Ahm. So, what are we gonna do now ?'' I said changing the topic.
''I wont take much time talking to him, just wait for me here for five minutes. Okay ?''
I didn't argue about coming with him cause he looked pretty serious and I get a feeling that its better for me to be here. I don't know, I didn't like the fortune teller.
''Wow that's quick.'' He said surprised, thinking that I would definitely not listen to him and go along anyway.

''Anyways, you have the ring with you right ?''
''Yeah, I do.''
''Stay here don't go anywhere, i'll be right back.'' Is he worried ? I nodded either way and Rang left glancing back at me again and again. Gosh, why does he care so much ?

Author's POV

''Do you really think your brother will tell you what he knows ?'' Ji ah asked Yeon as they walked their way to meet Rang.
''No of course not.''
''Then what ?''
''Im going to make Rang meet that guy.''
''How ?''

Yeon walked towards a scribe he saw in front of him and borrowed a pen-brush. He dipped the brush in water and wrote some hanja characters on his shoe.

''Find the man who has a criminal branding on his forehead.'' Yeon whispered and the alphabet glowed, then vanished.

''What did you just do ?''
''Its like a talisman. These shoes will take Rang to that man.''
''But Yeon, I get a really strong feeling he's upto something.''
''Even if he is he can't do anything to you, it will be probably me.''
''What do you mean ?''
''Y/n's here.''
''What ?''
''I don't know why or how but with her presence Rang cant do anything to you anyways. We only have one shot. Today we must keep our eyes on Rang no matter what.''
''Okay, I won't lose him no matter what.''

They reach the fortune teller's place and Yeon swaps his shoes with Rang's and they enter inside the place.

''Hello.'' Rang waves as he sat near the fortune tellers table.
''What are you doing here at the korean folk village ?'' Yeon asks.
''Im obviously not here to do homework for school.''
''If you were you would've flunked.'' Yeon said sitting beside Ji ah.
''Hey old man !'' Rang yelled as the fortune teller came out from a different room.
''What are you doing ?'' Yeon asked.
''Did you come here knowing that he's an actual fortune teller ?'' Rang asked.
''Anyone can tell he's a dupe, look at his fake moustache.'' Yeon said pulling the fortune tellers moustache but it didn't come off.

''Its real ? But he kept talking nonsense.'' Yeon said surprised.
''He does that on purpose, fool.'' Rang scoffed at Yeon.
''Go ahead and check there's no way he means something to me.'' Rang said to the fortune teller. The latter removed his magnifying glass and held it close to Yeon's face.
''Yes. He's a precious thing to you. Your brother.'' The fortune teller said making Rang sigh.
''But I still hold on to my statement about the girl. She was a better deal.''
''Girl ?'' Asked Ji ah.
''You bought y/n here to---'' Yeon asked getting interrupted by Rang.
''Yah ! What do you think of me ?!'' Rang yelled at his brother's speculation.
''Keep your quarrels for later. Im a busy person. Here.'' The fortune teller says giving a pair of glasses (The eyebrows of a tiger) to Rang.

Cruel Fate (Lee rang version)Where stories live. Discover now