34. The green tracksuit lady

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Author's POV

''Y/n, you coming for lunch ?'' Jae hwan asked y/n entering her cabin.
''No, Jae hwan. I've got plans with someone. ''
''Are you and Ji ah secretly in a club or something ? She refused to join too.''
''Not with me but Ji ah must have plans with her boyfriend.'' Y/n said chuckling.
''Oh, you don't know ? They broke up.''
''What ? When ? Why ?''
''Don't know anything yet. I didn't even dare to ask.''
''What must have happened ?'' Y/n mumbled.
''Anyways, you're not coming right. Then I guess it's me, Sae rom, Do hwa and Good old Mr. Tae suk. See ya later then.'' Jae hwan exited as y/n waved back.

''Do hwa went too. Why did it have to turn out like this ?'' Y/n sighed when her phone buzzed flashing Rang's name.

''Hello ?''
''Have you had lunch ?'' Rang asked.
''Not yet.''
''I know its pretty sudden but---''
''I know, I know. I'll come down.'' Y/n said as if she knew he would come.
''What ? Oh okay.''
''She never fails to surprise me.'' He mumbled showing a 'knowing' smile on his face.

Y/n enters Rang's car.

''So where are we headed to ?'' Rang asked y/n.
''You're asking me ?''
''Yeah. Since you knew I would come, you must have something in mind.''
''Okay then. I'll guide, you drive.''

At snail bride,

Bok Hye ja was serving the team members of TVC station their ordered food while Tae suk was busy flirting with her. Don't get him wrong, he isn't married. More like he was. He got divorced just after one year of his marriage.

''This plum tea smells amazing.'' Tae suk commented.
''We received organic plums from Hadong.'' Hye ja replied in her eloquent tone.
''I once went to the plum festival in Hadong for work. It was such a great sight. I'll take you there later if you want.'' He tried to make a move but Hye ja hurriedly left when she spotted an unwanted guest in her restaurant.

''What ? What are you looking at ?'' Tae suk asked looking at the three younger colleagues staring at him.
''You never went to the plum festival for work.'' Jae hwan pulled out the truth card.
''Aigoo, he's totally fallen for her.'' Sae rom commented.

On the other hand,

''Stop. This is it.'' Y/n said as Rang pressed the brakes.
''Shin ju's vet clinic ? Why are we here ?'' Rang asked because Of course, the last time Rang met him, he didn't treat him nicely. He wondered how y/n knew Shin Ju.

Regardless, Rang and Y/n entered the clinic as Shin Ju looked at the desk to see who entered inside, he was surprised and a teeny bit scared too.

''Hello, are you doctor Shin Ju ?'' Y/n asked giving a slight smile while Rang just stared at him.
''Oh ye. I am. You must have come to take the pup.'' He said trying not to look at Rang.
''This was definitely Yuri's idea.'' Rang mumbled inaudibly.
''How'd you know ?''
''I just guessed it.'' Shin Ju said nervously.

''But im not here to take him back today. I heard that he still needs more treatment, so I just came by to see how he's doing.'' Y/n said.
''Sure, just a second i'll bring him here.''

After y/n had met the pup and saw he was doing good, she bid him goodbye and thanked Shin ju. When they got back in the car, Rang started driving but he took a different route than y/n's workplace.

''Wait, weren't we supposed to take the next right ? Aren't we going back to office ?'' Y/n questioned.
''No. We're going home for lunch.''
''Home ? But it would take too much time going and coming back. And why home ? We could just go to any nearby restaurant.''
''Chill down, y/n. Trust me okay.'' He said looking at her smiling.

''But tell me, how'd you feel meeting him ? Isn't he so cute ? It's great he's getting treatment. I can't wait to see him all better.'' Y/n felt really happy seeing the pup healing.
''Are you that happy ?''
''Yes, I am.'' Y/n said nodding her head excitedly.
''Guess I should invest in a vet clinic then.'' Rang muttered.
''By the way Rang, do you have any good names for the pup ?''
''What have you guys thought about ?''

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